
Digital beipack seat can save emissions

Digital beipack seat can save emissions

For the Fraunhofer Institutes for Materials and Logistics, the IGES Institutes and the Roten Liste Service GmbH, there are no THG emissions from a digital medicine packaging component. In the path of most of the affections, the printing and eating in the shaft of its transport in the pharmacies and hospital buildings produces a paper-based capsule of 4 grams in total 7 grams of carbon dioxide equivalent (CO2e).


If you want to make a part, the medical information is stored electronically on a database or a scan code on the packaging. For the detailed information about the financing of a pharmaceutical industry.

The view on paper can save emissions. If you work in the fall of the beipackzettel, your medicine is no longer examined, but the Fraunhofer IML does not understand it. There is a war with the Rote Liste Service and the IGES Institute. The researchers use the “ePIL Carbon Calculator” as a CO₂ analysis for packaging materials.

It is clear that the pressure and display of beipackzetteln are directly comparable to the electronic equipment. “In conkreten Zahlen bedeutet das: A doorschnittlicher paperbasierter Beipackzettel with a weight of knapp 4 Gramm verursacht 7 Gramm Kohlenstoffdioxid-Aquivalente (CO2e)”, according to the Meldung des Fraunhofer IML.

The digital Bereitstellung der Packungsbeilage can take care of the patient information, so the IGES-Institut. The information can be stored together with the electronic treatment plan in a patient record and executed once.
