
Work-Life and Fachkräftemangel: Viele wollen weniger arbeiten

Work-Life and Fachkräftemangel: Viele wollen weniger arbeiten


Work studyTrotz Fachkräftemangel: Viele würdengern ihr Pensum reduzieren

I am proud of the current economic impact of the business in German Switzerland where I live. This means you can use the unattended Couples in your Alltag area.

Jan Janssen

Work-study: Darum goes

  • I’m going to work with the family man and the demographic walker who can make a dream of a Wohlstandsverlustig discussutiert.

  • The Mehrheit der berufstätigen Deutschschweizer takes the pride that Mehrarbeit is not not soi. Leave the device in your Pensum herunterfahren.

  • You can also read more Urlaubstage auch Gehaltseinbussen here. Nur 16 Prozent wollen are more work.

Schwächelnde Konjunktur, Fachkräftemangel und KI-Herausforderungen: Der Schweizer Arbeitsmarkt bleibt ein Sorgenkind. The Arbeitnehmer in Deutschschweiz looks no more than the Mehrarbeit.

Statistics are 38 percent of companies that get a discount on your Arbeitspensums. There is an active study in the Auftrag von Xing. It is possible that there is a report made of the Fachkräftemangel on the own Leib: 33 Prozent messages, that is your Unternehmen Swierigkeiten has, appropriate personal zu finds.

Junge sehen Notnauwkeit more urgent

Add more to the half (55 Percent) of the German skills in the study of small notable matters relating to the economy, one of the wirtschaftlichen that have developed.

Nur 45 Prozent der Befragten in der Deutschschweiz stops Mehrarbeit für die Sicherung des Wohlstands für notnauwen.

Nur 45 Prozent der Befragten in der Deutschschweiz stops Mehrarbeit für die Sicherung des Wohlstands für notnauwen.

What’s interesting here is among the generational base: now that the baby boomers (23 percent) and generation X (39 percent) have not been around for very long, the millennials and generation Z are seeing their lives (50 and 55 percent).

Bereitschaft nur bedingt vorhanden

Could Millennials and Gen-Z also expect more from their work? Not all. 45 Prozent der Gen Z since mit der Beitstundenanzahl so zufrieden. 40 Prozent würden are weniger arbeiten. 15 I wish I had more work opportunities.

40 Prozent der Millennials en Gen Z würden weniger work.

40 Prozent der Millennials en Gen Z würden weniger work.

20min/Matthias Spicher

With the Millennials who have won 40 percent of the Millennials, it is a fact that they can quickly enjoy with the 39 percent of Millennials who last with them for a lifetime. Around every fifth Millennial asked would like to work more hours (21 percent).

Generational mountain range has begun with 44 years a large part of the fragments with its hourly allowances. 38 percent can reduce your working time. And 16 percent would like to work more.

Baby boomer has had a big part of his life

“When the baby boomers get a new generation, it is a fact that the early years are an unsatisfactory Wohlstandverlustes,” comments Sandra Bascha, Communication Manager of Xing in Switzerland.

Nur 16 Prozent der Befragten wollen ihr Arbeitspensum erhöhen.

Nur 16 Prozent der Befragten wollen ihr Arbeitspensum erhöhen.

“If you theoretically recognize that more work is being done here, the tendency will be borne in mind, but you will not have to worry about it yourself,” says Bascha.

Holiday against the clock

Most people think it is a means, a way to exercise, as the study said. Moreover, the bonuses and prizes are fragmented as a higher level.

Otherwise, the 30th time there is a fragment of fragments, it is a matter of more time to save. If you notice 30 percent of the cost, you can see a certain part of your vision.

“Approaching for multi-tasking with attractive benefits and working time models with the possibility of increasing flexibility on the future capability of the company”, says Bascha. “Here is a fragmented thought – and tomorrow it will be better.”

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