
24 Stunden in Zürich: So enjoy the city trip with the wheel

24 Stunden in Zürich: So enjoy the city trip with the wheel

With the perfect plan for a short-term holiday in Zurich, the day is filled with tips and good stations.

09.30 am – Lighter-Morning

It is a matter of an experience round in the Altstadt. The Münsterbrücke lasts over the Limmat during the next two days. Hoffentlicht is das Wetter schön – denn im Licht schimmern in Großmünster that zölf Kirchenfenster of Sigmar Polke in the year 2009. Fünf Farbglasfenster zegen alttestamtarische Motive. Ungewöhnlich since aber Polkes sieben Achatfenster: Der Künstler liesß die Halbedelsteine ​​​​in dünne Scheiben schneiden, sie versprühen das Light geradez (täglich from 10 Uhr, sonntags from 12.30 Uhr). Construction of the Romanesque Church began in the year 1100 and the Doppeltürme was given a Neo-Gothic treatment in 1787. The historical ensemble is gilded as a true emblem of Zurich.

On other pages of the Limmat the Fraumünster is further shown, the Kirchturm from 1732 with the kupfergrünen Spitze that überragt Häuser der Umgebung. Another art form: Marc Chagall proposed a nice Fensterzyklus here in 1970, which brought the Genesis zum Leuchten (label from 10 o’clock, sonntags from 12 o’clock).

10:30 am – Rad-gat

Free Leivelos and a Radstation

If the city is able to use the wheel system, it may be possible to make the Velostation “Züri rollt” free of charge with a wheel

© Elisabeth Real / Zurich Tourism

Rauf aufs Rad! And the Badesachen has not been missed, the brauchen will be in the Nachmittag. Die good Nachricht lautet: Bei “Zueri rollt” gives Leih-Velos umsonst! Nähe Hauptbahnhof can get off for free from 8 a.m. to 9:30 p.m. Ausweis vorzeigen, a Deposit of 20 Francs or Euro pro Velo in bar hinterlegen (E-Bikes 30 CHF or Euro), and apart from that.

Empfehlenswert is the Zurich Card Bike. Sie kostent für 24 Stunden 34 Franken pro Erwachsener. Damit can solve the problem and the Bikes vonPubliBike crazy. If you don’t want to lose your own Faust, you can enjoy a successful tour.

11am – Time for a break

Bar with wooden tables and lamps

Das “fürDich Kafi & Guesthouse” is an Ankerplatz for Reisende in the Zürcher Kiezes – perfect for a break at Kaffee and Kuchen

© KafiFürDich

Before the cycle tour starts, it is not yet time for a fresh Znüni, the fresh Frühstück.

The KafiFürDich gründeten for 16 years from the Zurich Michel Häberli and Tim Hartje, a Berliner. You can use the Zurich Club „Dachkantine“. Statt harter Beats is now a fresh dinner in the kitchen and on Wednesdays at a delicious brunch, in the Schweiz Buffet à Discretion (Stauffacherstr. 141).

Or do you want to be a couple of luxurious Luxembourgers? So heißt in der Schweiz das Mandelbaiser-Gebäck Macarons. Believe that in Zurich from the traditions reichen, 1836 gegründeten Confiserie Sprüngli. Frühstücken kann man dert (Bahnhofstrasse 21), the Café will not be renovated until Winter, then it will look great in the first Stock behind the various Panorama views of the Swiss Art and Literature.

11:30 am – Electricity on the bike

Jetzt aber los. The Radtour führt zu a beautiful Aussichtsplatz, dafür muss man also a mountain hinauf. Begin is at Bahnhof, dear man wechselt on the straight side of Limmat. Der Fluss is located here in the north of Lake Zürich. Schon geht es ins Grüne, in the Parkanlage Schindlergut. On the day of the 19th anniversary of the garden, the garden will last forever in an open park.

Flott is in Fluss entlang to the Kornhausbrücke. And then we are right of the border with Direction Waidberg and Käferberg, at 600 meters higher in Hausbergen Zurichs.

Restaurant Die Waid with Ausblick in Zurich

The Restaurant “Die Waid” offers a terrace on the best terrace in town

© Dominik Baur / Zurich Tourismus

Deep air caves – and the view-enjoyments: below the city, below the lake Zurich and on the horizon the snow-covered Alps of Inner Switzerland. It is a good idea, if you orient yourself, you can see that they are both churches of the Vormittag, the Limmat, the city, and a glass of Hochhaus, which is on the program later. Now is light, it rolls in the city, along the Limmat and along.

13:00 – Midday

Der Magen knurrt, Zeit für Zmittag, vier Vorschläge für das Mittagessen.

The Markthalle is a Food Court with a hub-restaurant, where you can find everything you need.

Les Halles are notorious for their Moules Frittes and for their most valuable e-furnishings, which remind a Brockenhaus – so they call the Swiss Second-Hand-Läden. Since 1904, the Zürcher Brockenhaus has existed in Bahnhofsnähe.

Im Zeughauskeller is rustic, Zürcher Geschnetzeltes and Rösti are still the greatest Radl-Hunger.

In Frau Gerolds Garten, a modular Stadtgarten, it is more and more – von Drinks en Speisen in der Sonne bis zu Kunst und Kultur

In Frau Gerolds Garten, a modular Stadtgarten, it is more and more – von Drinks en Speisen in der Sonne bis zu Kunst und Kultur

© Fabian Fretz / Frau Gerolds Garten

Frau Gerolds Garten is a garden estate with Grill and Urbaner Lounge, very nice. Make sure that the prepared glass towers are – and your signals are made from new stacked containers. If the waiter has taken a week of lessons – the name of a Zurich company, the recycling process of the plan has been restored. On the Australian terrace you will find the beer garden and a delicious surf wave from “Urbansurf Zurich”.

15 hours – Art bicycles

Will you be fussed? No problem, no problem is his modern art. Start with a work by Harald Naegeli. There was a war that was started by Banksy in the 1970s and the anonymous Strichmännchen had disappeared. After the police war in Fersen. Naegeli fled to Germany, was supported by Joseph Beuys and Willy Brandt. But went back to Switzerland and had to spend a year in his life in 1984 as a “Sprayer of Zurich”. The long term has been rehabilitated, there is 2020 the Art Prize of the City of Zurich. A signalman would have a video installation in Schiffbau (Schiffbaustraße 4), a former work area, a chic bar and a branch of playhouses. Wer noch mehr Naegelis er one of the best, find an art on that city map.

Street art Zurich

The Fassaden in Zurich load an Entdecken, denn in de Streetart-Szene hat einiges zu bieten

© Barbara Schäfer

Unübersehbar ist hinges die funfmeter hohe “Anne-Sophie” by Alex Hanimann, Professor for Visual and Street Art. The chrome plaque shines on a platform in front of the 25hours-Hotel (Pfingstweidstrasse 102).

Viel sprühte Streetart found in the Limmatstraße and ran on the Hauptbahnhof, and in the Langstraße. If you don’t want to experience more art, you can enjoy the tour of open-air art galleries (now as a group for CHF 320).

5 p.m. – Unpack the Badehose

Enjoyment of Art and Sehenswürdigkeiten? Who guts, that’s Zurich am Wasser lies. Seine Stadtbäder is a legend: There are herkömmliche Freibäder, also Strand- and Seebäder and funf Flussbadis. Who is with the Flussbad Unterer Letten? Started in 1909, it is the largest Freibad der Stadt. Here the Eintritt is free, so also in our new direction See situated Upper Latvians. Dieses Bad from the 1950s are reflected in classical Elegant under Thought Protection. Here you can enjoy good Schwimmer and exciting journeys, with a view of the city, a country, relax and enjoy – and repeat, as long as you can.

Flussbad Oberer Letten

The Schwimmmstrecke in Flussbad “Oberer Letten” in der Limmat is 400 meters long

© David Hubacher / Zurich Tourismus

Eintritt is free in the large Landiwiese am See, directly behind the Strandbad Mythenquai (Eintritt 8 CHF). The name does not have its own roots, but also originates from both Swiss Mountains, these large and small myths.

7pm – Fishing at the lake

Nature, Sports, Art and Baths – it’s nothing more than Ausklang am See, in a restaurant with Blick aufs Wasser. Don’t forget, that’s the way to go.

Fritz van Fischer

Fischen Fisch directly on the Zürichsee is available at “Fischer’s Fritz”, a renowned restaurant with Blick aufs Wasser

© Fischer’s Fritz

In the Fischer’s Fritz Beiz schaut man aufs glitterende Wasser, speist Fischchnusperli, also Fisch im Bierteig, or auch Forelle bleu aus dem Zürichsee, gefangen von Zürisee-Fischer Adrian Gerny, dem einzigen Berufsfischer des Kantons. The restaurant is open to the public Campingplatz at Westufer (Seestrasse 559).

One of Zurich’s Gold Coast, the noble Seeseite am Ostufer, lies the hobene Fischerstube Zürihorn. Here the man serves Süsswasser-Bouillabaisse, Räucherforelle or auch Ceviche from Zugersee-Felchen. Dazu beyond Weißwein, am the best from the Canton. A rare Specialty is that of the Räuschling, a Weißweinsorte, which was produced in 1550 and was quickly consumed in Zurich with 25 hectares of beef (Bellerivestrasse 160).

22 hours – Bar and barefoot

Quiet drinking in the 1965 opened Bar Kronenhalle – the statue and the wall are really real. It is a work by Joan Miró, Pablo Picasso and Paul Klee. Serves classic cocktails (Rämistrasse 4).


The “Barfussbar” right on the border does not offer drinks and live music, but does have a swimming pool

© David Zangger / Barfussbar / Barfussbar

Ungefähr das Gegenteil ist de Barfussbar an der Limmat. The “Frauenbadi am Stadthausquai” spent 20 hours working for the man and then his bar. Sonntags wird geschwoft, mittwochs Live-Musik. Für Einheimische eine der schönsten Locations in Zurich at all (Stadthausquai 12).

24 Hours – Good Night

Das Guesthouse Zollhaus is a pleasure for a life and living in the city. The non-profit organization with 14 Zimmern is a Neubau am Hauptbahnhof. Here you can enjoy your Swiss relationship with the best of luck: I enjoy living with friends at Dusche from 157 Franken, with Etagenbad from 125 Franken (Zollstrasse 121).

Wer nach een modernen und bezahlbaren Unterkunft in guter Lage sucht, wird im Hotel Felix fündig

Wer nach een modernen und bezahlbaren Unterkunft in guter Lage sucht, wird im Hotel Felix fündig


Located in the Altstadt, Hotel Felix is ​​bright, modern and stylish. (DZ/F from 300 Euro, Zähringerstrasse 25).

The property of the KafiFürDich betreiben auch a Guesthouse in the Nähe des Bahnhofs (DZ/F with communal pool from 170 CHF, with private pool from 200 CHF).