
Darum heißt der Raab-Boxkampf “DER CLARK FINAL BATTLE”

Darum heißt der Raab-Boxkampf “DER CLARK FINAL BATTLE”

This TV event of the years and the comeback of the superlative: Stefan Raab rises and die Samstag erneut against Regina Halmich in the Ring. Did he have the name of the Boxkampfes “DER CLARK FINAL FIGHT” on his name?

2001 brach Regina Halmich Entertainer Stefan Raab dies Nase, in de Revanche 2007 entschieden wenige Punkte Unterschied zugunsten der 46-fachen Box-Weltmeisterin. Nun is one of the times for the ultimate Revenge! 17 years after the last Niederlage and fast one year after the last TV-Auftritt Steigt Stefan Raab zum allerletzten Mal in den Ring.

Regina Halmich is intensely engaged in the fight. “I find it even more important, the man is set in the most swashbuckling way. It is also in my head that Stefan super vorbereitet sein wird is, that the same tricks are used, also ich bin wapennet. I had a high priority and was in my research for Acht lassen”, said the Box-Weltmeisterin in an interview with RTL.

This is the name of “DER CLARK FINAL FIGHT” itself

Was the additional fragment: Why is the boxing match actually called “DER CLARK FINAL FIGHT”? For the last time, Stefan Raab and Regina Halmich want to rise in the ring – that explains the additional “FINAL NIGHT” in Namur. Do you have a peculiar “CLARK”? The processing is a fact: at CLARK you trade a digital version. The third member could use the title partnership for the legendary boxing match Stefan Raab and Regina Halmich, which RTL noticed. And so the name “DER CLARK FINAL FIGHT” stands together.

They love the preparations for the Box-Spektakel at the High Tour – little white, was the 14,000 people in the Düsseldorfer Arena who knew the Millions of TV fans in the world. There is one thing that is certain: there is a mega show. RTL and RTL+ say “DER CLARK FINAL FIGHT” on September 14 at 8:15 PM. I am affiliated with Frauke Ludowig’s Boxkampf presenter in “Exclusiv Spezial: Der Talk danach”.