
At the JUFA Hotel Group, an investor has his own choice

At the JUFA Hotel Group, an investor has his own choice

The JUFA-Hotelgruppe (60 Standorte, 1,400 Beschäftigte, 100 Millionen Euro Umsatz), one of the largest Tourismusunternehmen Österreichs, is in a business environment.

The night of the Standort in Knappenberg will be closed by 2023, so that the Standort in Bleiburg and Sirnitz, Karnten, will be happy to see that the Steirischen Standorte in Admont, Pöllau and Seckau will be ready. Zuerst hat die Little Time darüber message set. For the Standort at Hochrindl (Sirnitz) nor Gespräche über a Nachnutzung geführt. Insgesamt since 45 Mitarbeiter von der Schließung affected, sie sollen aber grote and other Standorten weiterbeschäftigt.

Die Ursache der Misere is about the Corona pandemic zurück. “50 Betriebe in een Gesellschaft gehabt and deshalb haben wir um 14.5 Millionen Euro weniger Covid-Förderung erhalten as der Mitbewerb, der in Einzelgesellschaften aufgeteilt ist,” said JUFA chief Gerhard Wendl to KURIER. “Wir since both the upper borders of Covid-Förderung angestanden. That is a serious business failure.”

Politics is not a solution

If you join the company, JUFA has to pay the higher costs, the higher costs and charges for modernization and expansion of all schools. With Zinsen, one of the best Covid financing at the Hotel Group could get a Loch of an amount of 17 million euros. Laut Wendl has tried to find a loss with politics.

In August, the Finance Ministry established an Absage. Nun muss die JUFA-Hotelgruppe restrukturierert. „We have a better understanding of the history of our society, because our new developments have been possible, so we can continue to develop our business, so that our future will continue to grow.” JUFA is not present in Austria, but also in Germany, Liechtenstein and the Switzerland tätig. In Austria, JUFA is present in all Bundesländern.

High expectations

“It’s a project that you can do,” Wendl said. “We’re continuing to work with a new partner in the future. We’ll be in a 50:50 partnership. There’s no trade with anyone from the industry and it’s a small financial investor that has a mind of its own in the tourism segment.”

In the case of Firmenbuch eingereichten Bilanz 2021/2022 from JUFA Hotels Österreich GmbH, the Jahresverlust would be awarded with 4.26 Million Euro, the Bilanzverlust with 13.93 Million Euro and the Verbindlichkeiten with 35.22 Million Euro.