
A new Kinderärztin for Biberach

A new Kinderärztin for Biberach

It is a Glücksfall für die Regio: Am 7. Oktober nimmt een neue Kinderärztin in Biberach ihre Arbeit auf. Dr. Marlene Haas is the expert part of the fachübergreifende community praxis of Dr. Christoph Haas. The Biberacher Allgemeinmediziner sees at the end of September with the Hausarztpraxis vom Rißcenter in the Mühlweg 7/3 an erweitert a bit nor with a children’s arztpraxis.

The war will last longer than the years of the war, if there are no other problems. In the other cases of Hausarztpraxis in the Rißcenter, the war no longer dies. In Neubau am Mühlweg, gegenüber des heemaligen Restaurants Ropach, both in itself now the perfect opportunity for a good community practice. “We are happy to work together and enjoy the new practice,” said Dr. Christoph Haas. And for Dr. Marlene Haas is the case that power comes over power and one of the childhood crimes in the landkreis.

Termine can be fragmented

The region of the Facharzte für Kinder- und Jugendmedizin gibt is een versorgungmangel in Landkreis Biberach. “Es since mindestens noch drei Sitze unbesetzt,” said Dr. Marlene Haas. “I am happy that I am happy to be able to care for my patients and those patients who do not have any children’s care.” The city area of ​​Biberach is not so good with both large children’s care practices. You can also contact us by e-mail (email address) turn.

On September 30th the transition to the new community practice at Mühlweg 7/3 begins. From October 7th Dr. Marlene Haas and Dr. Christoph Haas will be back for their patients and patients.

On September 30th the transition to the new community practice at Mühlweg 7/3 begins. From October 7th Dr. Marlene Haas and Dr. Christoph Haas will be back for their patients and patients. (Photo: Tanja Bosch)

During the years of war, Dr. Marlene Haas took part in a children’s practice in Bad Saulgau. Now she is waiting for the step into self-confidence. “The children’s play was bigger, it may be that the leisten and the fun in my own practice and the new Räumlichkeiten are”, says the Torch for Children’s and Youth Medicine. For Dr. Marlene Haas, his advice is “the most beautiful in the world with the most wonderful equipment”. “The little patients are also a manchmal hermetered, but then so honest and open”, said the 39-year-old. If you are ready, you start on October 7.

In the new community practice on the Mühlweg, Künftig then became four women and men who had a medical change strategy and a parenting style. Zur Hausarztpraxis by Dr. Christoph Haas was born with the knowledge of general medicine, Sylvia Hampel, and the work of Dr. Frank-Dieter Braun, proud Ruhestand, nor a bisschen mit.

With the new medical status

The Räume in the Rißcenter is so long gone that the soft drink comes from the Umzug to the richtige Zeit. “A visit to another country can take place in the Rißcenter renovate müssen”, says Christoph Haas. “That new practice is here however a Glücksgriff, which has now made the Räume perfect for one of its sins and will now be on the new medical stand, was the Ausstattung-betrifft.” all wishful realizations of können.

The end of the harvest is planted on September 30th. Dafür ist die Hausarztpraxis bis 4. Oktober geschlossen and startet dann am Montag, 7. Oktober, in de nouvelle Räumlichkeiten in der Praxis am Mühlweg 7/3.

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