
This is the next one: Food Swaps, which I will be changing

That butter, sweet avocado spread. That ice cream, frozen yogurt. So one of the things that Dickmacher has done is his Speiseplan-stretchen and his view on the whole thing. Abnehmcoach Jan Bahmann said: These calorie bombs can be replaced by healthier alternatives.

We will take care of everything – a classical Vorurteil, that we can see on the Kraft setzen. Denn: Wer abnehmen will, muss ersetzen! It is often the case that the entire life cycle is a large mixture in the summer and breaks down. Did you buy überwiegend mit Butter? Bestht die Sauce aus Waiters? Lauter Verteckte Dickmacher, that man shines through the healthy Zutaten ersetzen kann! Abnehmcoach Jan Bahmann explains on the next page: It is an alternative to Kalorienbomben with Mayonnaise and Co.

1. Statt Weißbrot: Vollkornbrot

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This is the next one: Food Swaps, which I will be changing

Maybe tomorrow there will be a chemical message on the counter, a good idea in the tag to start. The problem: Weißbrot lacks a large part of the ballast and mineral substances of the whole grain. It is a rapid dehydration and the hunger that is a fact today. A lonely and healthy alternative is whole wheat bread. These are getting bigger and the energy is getting bigger – the power is also getting longer. In whole wheat bread sticks extra rich healthy contents. Tip: Whole wheat varieties are offered with Nudeln, Wraps and other products.

2. Stattbutter: Avocado-Aufstrich

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This is the next one: Food Swaps, which I will be changing

Butter is an all-rounder in the secret kitchen. Look at the kitchen or the bread – look at the taste. Butter at the same time takes a high amount of fiber and saturates the fat. I am aware of these risks for heart disease. Therefore, there is an alternative alternative that no longer reduces the fat content, but increases the nutrient density. Butter as a bread base can be used as a substitute for avocados and. It is a fact that you can occasionally perform a fat. Add avocados with vitamin and mineral substances, vitamin E, powerful antioxidants, potassium, the regulation of blood pressure. In the overview of butter, the avocado is mixed with a high amount of fiber, the verdauung unterstützen and for a longer shelf life. Making a choice may give you a better idea of ​​your Leinsamen, as an alternative.

3. Statt herkömmlichem Käse: Cottage cheese

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This is the next one: Food Swaps, which I will be changing

Enjoy your meal in our Eastern region with more options on your special plan: Tomorrow as a snack, with gratinierten dishes, as a quick snack or during the night. If all is not optimal, the amount of meat in the meat is good – just like with the butter. Folglich ist zum förderlich. A couple that can be a man in the cabins. If that is the case, it is a natural source of protein and less of a classic indulgence as brotaufstrich than in many other posts, and in salads and dips, verarbeiten.

4. Now fry: back

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This is the next one: Food Swaps, which I will be changing

Frittiertes Essen power dick – aber schließlich roads of the Speisen themselves, especially zu large Teilen roads of the Frittierfetts. Calorie conscious, that not with Chicken-Wings, Pommes and other Delicious views woolen, sollten daher the Kalorienbomben zmindest parts andtschärfen, indem they are on the Grill or often used. With a few olive oils that are cut into the often cozy sprig, the Lieblingsspeisen nicht lose a Geschmack, subdued by the Röstaromen sogar an Intensität. A good alternative is to use Heiß air fryers, which come with the German weniger Fett and only through the heiße Luft cozy Lebensmittel zaubern.

5. Statt Waiters: griechischer Joghurt

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This is the next one: Food Swaps, which I will be changing

Waiters can prepare the meat with their high quality, the salad through the dressing of the Kalorienbombe – from desserts and sauce to your own taste. An alternative alternative is a Greek yoghurt, which has never been so enthusiastic, as a creamy Konsistenz and a reichen-geschmack-bietet. Greek yoghurt can be used in all dishes, in the waiters it is – as in dressings, sauce or sogar in soft speisen with mousse. There is no reason to bring the amount of protein to a higher level, it was a matter of sitting and the time that the Muskelaufbau industry took up. Win-win too, denn Muskeln works on the Rest Energy.

6. Statt Mayonnaise: Avocado cream

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This is the next one: Food Swaps, which I will be changing

Do not drop the mayonnaise into the core if it is certain and it is tempting. But a good mayonnaise will make the smartest calorie bombs in the kitchen. 80 Prozent Fettgehalt sind nicht unüblich – davon ein Großteil in Form gesättigter Fette. When Dickmacher does his work with the All-Tag, he can see here an Avocado with Einsatz, which is prepared as Avocado Cream, with a little crème fraîche. For your special needs you will be welcome in your own home.

7. Statt Eiscreme: frozen yogurt

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This is the next one: Food Swaps, which I will be changing

An ice cream for dessert – it is all delicious in the summer, but also in the winter with hot beers. If you have not reached a high temperature, most of the requirements are set. If you do not get insight, no one can see, when yoghurt is set. “Frozen yoghurt” can no longer be used. For part of the use, a fresh fruit, vanilla or another sitting part can be added. You can also use “Frozen yoghurt” as a basis for creative dessert creations. With healthy toppings with nuts, fruit or a self-chosen fruit sauce, for example from sugar-poor fruits such as beers, an individual can be refined.

8. Statt Süßigkeiten: Früchte

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This is the next one: Food Swaps, which I will be changing

Fruit is a great alternative to healthy food with chocolate gel, sugar or gummi bears. If you have received a fresh fruit, it is a matter of Trockenfrüchte, wie datteln or Marillen is concerned, which has a nice note and satisfies the desire in such a way. If the chocolate is still big, chocolate can be a part of the 70 Prozent wählen. Darüber is one of the snacks that have a good taste, the hunger for sweets is great. Here you can prepare a protein-rich meal with protein puddings, proteins, travel waffles or a home-baked top cook.