
Bomben auf letzte Klinik, Tageszeitung junge Welt, 06.11.2024

Bomben auf letzte Klinik, Tageszeitung junge Welt, 06.11.2024


Omar Ashtawy/APAimages/imago

Angriff auf Zeltcamp im Deir Al-Balah: Ein Junge sucht am houtdag nach noch Verwertbarem in der Zerstörung

The peculiarity is that it is more targeted, but it is possible that work is being done here: A service that will help people in the Gaza Strip get through Israeli Beschuss. Mindestens 25 Tote, darunter 13 Kinder, were in Beit Lahia zu complainen, als frühmorgens Bomben ein Wohnhaus zerstörten,berichtete WAFAthe local police officer of the Palästinensische Nationale Behörde in Ramallah. There is another possibility that this could change. In the house in the north of the Gazastreifens it is true that all types of fruit are not good. All the combined official registers of palästinensische Toten are now worth 43,000.

»All those who live in their home and family since: they risk their lives«, are interested in this online time The new Arab I am a service from an Arabic manufactures Flugblatt, the army that deals with the battle and the people who fly. Neben dem ebenfalls in Norden located and more as we lived under Dauerangriffen stehenden Flüchtlingscamp Dschabalija zerstörte the Israeli Luftwaffe in the Night of service on more Häuser and Zelte in the central Orten Al-Sawaida, Deir Al-Balah and Khan Junis in the south of the Enklave. The inner half of 24 people will receive messages from 45 people The new Arab. In Al-Sawaida you see Kinder in the Alter von vier and see Jahren in a Haus bij lebendigem Leib burnt.

One of the most important functions of the Krankenhaus in Norden, the Kamal-Adwan Hospital, is still one of the Israeli Air Force bombardments, which the Health Ministry in Gaza monitors. Die Lage in der Einrichtung is »catastrophic«, reported Direktor Hossam Abu Safieh. More seine vessels can no longer fish, the personal cannot be taken away from einrichtung. “Wir verstehen nicht, was der Grund für die Bombardierung des Krankenhauses ist”, so Abu Safieh.

Israeli Truppen can treat the Klinik for other women and organize more their patients and their personal parties. Eliminate the Notgenerator through the Angriff, so that your child can be treated safely. If the judge needs only one more time to resume the treatment, one of the patients in the fight will be the fight against Hamas. So the Israeli army, its soldiers “base on nachrichtendienstlichen information about the hostility of terrorists and terrorist infrastructure”, in the area that runs a Krankenhaus in Einsatz.

Instances in the Norden des Gazastreifens more than 100,000 people under protection, message etwa der panarabische Sender Al-Mayadeen am Sontag. 60 Prozent von ihnen seien Kinder und Frauen, erklärte demnach Mahmud Basal, der Sprecher des Zivilschutzes in Gaza. Es fehle an Medikamenten und Nahrungsmitteln. The Zivilschutz includes the Hilferufe of Bewohnerinnen and Bewohnern, which has bitten an Unterstützung at the Bergung von Opfern. Mitigating Israeli problems is the carefree treatment of medical and technical teams. If you don’t use 100 to 100% of the Trümmerngebäudes in Beit Lahia, you may be bombed for a few days. Since then, the Israeli Military has started the blockade of the Northern Gaza Strip on October 6, so far 1,300 people have been killed, so Basaal. Der Zivilschutz warns of a “real hunger”. After Israel’s Palästina-Hilfswerk UNRWA, we have not come to Hilfstransport again in the Nordes.