
Idea umgesetzt – Volkshochschule started new in Wilhelmsburg

Idea umgesetzt – Volkshochschule started new in Wilhelmsburg

The hat of Wilhelmsburg is a Volkshochschule. “Mitte February began with the Zustimmung of Bürgermeister Peter Reitzner for my idea, a Volkshochschule in our Stadt-einzuuführen and the Leitung zu übernehmen”, while Vizebürgermeisterin Sabine Hippmann was after perhaps Arbeitsaufwand über das Gelingen. After the monarchy and the courses, the Wilhelmsburgerinnen and the Wilhelmsburger are an abwechslungsreichesprogram for the Verfügung.

Steuern, Sprachen and Kräuter in the program

8,200 Info-Folder flatter in die Haushalte. Angebote is based on Steuerberatung bis Kreativität, Erste Hilfe bis Gesundheit und Tanz, von Trommelworkshops bis Altes Brauchtum, Yoga und Ahnenforschung. Sprachen and Babygesänge are an example of a comprehensive program for finding information about Medizin and Democracy that form one of the Wilhelmsburger “Kreilhex”.

Online find an interesting interesting program at Online one can directly submit an application and a best report and the information about the costs. The offer is one of the referentenzimmer der stadgemeinde, Schule-Turnsäle or the nature.

Bürgermeister: “You have a chance, ideas you can change”

The Vizebürgermeisterin would like to thank all those who “were so hilarious during the presentation: the Bürgermeister für signal Ok, the referees and referees, Sandra Gruberbauer and the Textart team see my man, I am in the datenbank full unterstützt hat.”

Citizen Meister Peter Reitzner congratulated his “great program”: “If the first Blick was so easy, it is still an impressive experience. Sabine Hippmann has a great commitment to her life. This is a great freedom of movement, which allows for freedom of movement.” The city is becoming increasingly complicated due to the reforming political developments. Even if you have a chance, you have an idea and an idea, Reitzner says: “The people’s project is a perfect performance.”