
Tobias Krzysko is the new king of the Niederbörde avant-garden

Tobias Krzysko is the new king of the Niederbörde avant-garden

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The 13 Avantgarden der Niederbörde takes place in Dinker. When the new king appears on the Paraden grounds: the best comes from Flerke.

Dinker – Eindrucksvoll said on Samstag, September 14, the Avantgarden der Niederbörde. Rund um die Gemeinschaftshalle in Dinker hatten sich rund 300 Mitglieder aus 13 Avantgarden versammelt, een einerseits ihren king of ermitteln, else aber auch the best Parade abzuliefern.

Avantgarden der Niederbörde: Guest House War Schützenvereins Dinker, Nateln und Dorfwelver

The guests of the avant-garde of the Schützenvereins Dinker, Nateln and Dorfwelver under the Kommando von Felix Wilkemeyer visited the Garden in Berwicke-Stocklarn-Hacheney, Borgeln, Einecke, Flerke, Klotingen, Schmehausen, St. Hubertus-Schheidingen, St.-Peter- und-Paul-Illingen, Schwefe, Vellinghausen-Eilmsen, Welver and Westtönnen are active in the Spielmannszüge of the Kyffhäuserkameradschaft and the Spielmannzug Borgeln.

Avantgarden der Niederbörde: Uniformerte Züge auf dem Festplatz

I am Rahmen a commander who plans the attack on the Tages. Make sure that the uniform installation on the Festplatz in front of the Gemeinschaftshalle takes place. Here Bürgermeister Camillo Garzen the Ortsvorsteher of Dinker, Sebastian Schütz and Natelns Ortsvorsteher Michael Schulte started the Garden.

If you see the image of the image, as the Avantgarden-zeigten and concrete, these formations form a bond for the Future of the Protective Being. With a musical accompaniment of the Spielmannszüge marches the train of the Avantgarden then through the place.

Avantgarden der Niederbörde: Parades were an Augenweide

One of the Schützenhalle has a small financial basis, the Parade of the Avantgarden of the Niederbörde is no longer wool. It feels like sitting in the Gremium, when the Parade is watched, while the Avantgarde King Philipp Gläser is found. This had been drawn up with his own high time but at his own time. “Ununderstandable”, as the Commander of the Avantgarde Dinner, Felix Wilkemeyer sharply observed. It arose when the 30-year-old Jubilee King Olaf Middendorf ein.

The flerke’s avant-garde was able to highlight the prize for the best parade broadcast.

Avantgarden der Niederbörde: Bird “Einfach Jürgen” field after 40 minutes

Bird protection would be carried out by the gardeners with tension. “Einfach Jürgen”, how the gardeners are tauft in the Schützenadler, the Jochen Vorwig is so big that he is now with a light shoring position in the Kugelfang-paste. After 40 minutes the soul avant-gardists continue with the Schützenvogel-geschlagen.

Avantgarden der Niederbörde: Tobias Krzysko with the 98. Schuss König

With the 98th. Schuss hollow then Tobias Krzysko the King’s Worth to Einecke. The Zepter is in a Gardist from Vellinghausen-Eilmsen, the Krone goes in Schmehausen and the Apfel-holte is a Schütze of the Welveraner Garde. It is good that the night continues in the Gemeinschaftshalle in Dinker then gefeiert.

Josef Holthoff

With 98. Schuss sich Tobias Krzysko from Einecke won the King's title of the Avantgarden of the Lower Börde.
With 98. Schuss sich Tobias Krzysko from Einecke won the King’s title of the Avantgarden of the Lower Börde. © Holthoff, Joe
Zackig war der Vorbeimarsch der Garden voor de Zuschauern und bewertungskomitee.
Zackig war der Vorbeimarsch der Garden voor de Zuschauern und bewertungskomitee. © Holthoff, Joe
Christian Pieper, Major and Vorsitzender of the Schützenvereins Dinker, Nateln, Dorfwelver, asked the Parade for interested guests. Jozef Holthoff
Christian Pieper, Major and Vorsitzender of the Schützenvereins Dinker, Nateln, Dorfwelver, asked the Parade for interested guests. Josef Holthoff © Holthoff, Joe
The Kommandeur and his position are dependent on the Kommandeursbeprechung zum Gruppe
The Commander and his position are set for the Commander’s meeting of the Group © on.
The best parade broadcast is Flerke's avant-garde.
The best Parade song is Flerke’s Avantgarde. © Holthoff, Joe