
Auftritt von Sängerin Lea war das first major Concert in the Nordhessen-Arena

Auftritt von Sängerin Lea war das first major Concert in the Nordhessen-Arena

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Auftritt von Sängerin Lea war das first major Concert in the Nordhessen-Arena
Ausverkauft: 5000 fans played Sängerin Lea at their Rückkehr in the Nordhessen-Arena. © Andreas Fischer

Before the war there is a Heimspiel, for the Nordhessen-Arena of the first big concert. The singing of the Freitag in Kassel on – the Multihalle is a great experience with the music.

Kassel – Franziska Temme kam am Freitag nicht nur weg Sängerin Lea in the Nordhessen-Arena. The Kasselerin, which years ago was used as the title of RTL-Reality-Formats “Der Bachelor”, started waging war in the Eissporthalle. “In the other Halle where I have not gone anymore,” said the 29-Jährige vor Beginn des Konzerts.

Ein Herz für Kassel: Sängerin Lea lief een Schlittschuh in der Halle.
Ein Herz für Kassel: Sängerin Lea lief een Schlittschuh in der Halle. © Fischer, Andreas

You are welcome in Kassel thanks to the Umbaus now in a multi-halle hat, in which you can play ice hockey, and also see the stars who admire the popular Kasselerin Lea: “The Nordhessen Arena is super modern. Darauf sind wir stollz.”

The Heimspiel der Mittlerweile in Berlin live Sängerin am Freitag were a Premiere. Der Auftritt von Rammstein-Sänger Till Lindemann must be a kurzfristig absagt in November last year, weil keine Baugenehmigung vorlag.

The guest star of Lord of the Dance and comedian Luke Mockridge in those years could now find some statistics. Now the Nordhessen-Arena is “hohoffiziell as Multihalle freegeben”, with Veranstalter Günther Maienschein from the Agentur MM Konzerte sagt.

5000 fans congratulate Lea in the Ausverkaufter Arena

The first concert in the sold-out Arena no longer has a chance. For more than two hours, Lea was celebrated by 5,000 fans. It has not been 32 years since there was talk of an “unfassbar scratch evening”. Also Neele Helbing from the Eichsfeld-genoss with his friends in the Mädelsabend. The Nordhessen-Arena is the successor to the Frauen-Trio and the music. “It was great that Lea was so personal”, said Helbing.

Since Stolz at the Nordhessen-Arena: Franziska Temme (from left), Christoph Cygan and Charlyn Stein from Kassel.
Inside the Nordhessen-Arena: Franziska Temme (from left), Christoph Cygan and Charlyn Stein from Kassel. © Fischer, Andreas

Your hit “Guten Tag, dear happiness” interpreted the evil Jacob Grimm-Schülerin with his father at the piano and two of his friends, who were very close to Beckers’ sister musicians. When Ode and his great Schwester sang, other childhood photos of both of them flashed across the huge video wall. Also Pyro, Nebel and a great acoustic guitar play at the spinning top show.

In alter Eissporthalle wäre Show schwer vorellbar gewesen

In the other Eissporthalle it was no longer a matter of time. Künstler wie Udo Jürgens founded after AuftRITen van der Bühne und Kündigten an, here is no more auftreten zu wollen. Nina Knobel from Helsa died in 1996 and passed away Kelly Family. Später was the home of the Huskies “assi und abgeranzt”, who said: “That new Halle power was hers. Jetzt fahren große Künstler nicht more in Kassel vorbei.”

Owner Paul Sinizin has invested more than 20 million euros in the modernization of the Halle. And the work can no longer take place on the facade. Maienschein said that the painting was not improved.

The other Eissporthalle is the Nordhessen-Arena which can no longer be seen. Lea remembers herself on the stage, who is it at the age of 13 who once went to the children’s disco for “cooler music” about her demands: “I didn’t think so, but I was here on the stage.”

Superior of the Arena and Lea: Natalie Bierschenk (from left), Neele Helbing and Luisa Kaufmann from Eichsfeld.
Superior of the Arena and Lea: Natalie Bierschenk (from left), Neele Helbing and Luisa Kaufmann from Eichsfeld. © Fischer, Andreas

At the end of the show that the sinner is, dies in Germany at Spotify the most streamed music war, a shirt, that is for the American presidential election in Kamala Harris war. A fan left her behind, Lea sei the German Taylor Swift. The Nordhessen-Arena was in Madison Square Garden Kassels.

Last term of MM Konzerte in der Kasseler Nordhessen-Arena: Atze Schröder (21. November), Gianna Nannini (10. Dezember), Cro (12. Dezember, sold). A critical look at Lea-konzert lesson in the HNA culture. (Matthias Lohr)