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Card purchased in Italian
Standort von X-Pro in Italian. © Mapal

Was the Aalener working with the young people of the Firmengroep – and the Bedeutung of the Stammsitz on the Ostalb after what kind of hat.

Eels. The Mapal Group looks – during the installation: Now there is a company with the names X-Pro-overnames, whereby Mapal is an Italian specialist for turnkey projects and tensioning equipment. Turnkey projects are another art of projects, when it comes to a management of the company for the planning, scheduling and conversion. “X-Pro has started with the reorganization of the Mapal Group ein“, started by the geschäftsfüherende Gesellschafter von Mapal, Dr. Jochen Kress, the young man.

Kress continues: “There is a specialist for the development of complete projects, the focus is on the development of machines with machine repair and large projects for the automotive industry.” With the expertise and know-how of X-Pro schaffe kaarten , one of many others who are engaged in the development of projects, and the offering of new products. If you have a good idea, you can complete the Bearbeitungsprozesse and use a technology partner who can help you.

Unternehmen seit Jahren Partner

The companies know this: Maps on the Italian market have been together with X-Pro for several years. Claudio Gabos, as the new Chief Sales Officer responsible for sales at Mapal, says: “I would like to work with the overnahme of X-Pro in the group on the developed new market potential and an impetus for the new trend. “

The X-Pro Srl was founded in Bologna in Italy in 2001 and has 35 employees and employees. Stefano Vitali bleibt in seiner Funktion als Geschäftsführer für de Organization verantwortlich, so Mapal in one of the Mitteilung. Zum Kaufpreis machten de Firmen keine Angaben.

“Aalen is the main location”

Trotz des Zukaufs und der Steigenden Anzahl der Ausländischen Standorte Krachte Kress in eeninem Interview with „Wirtschaft Regional“ jüngst deutlich: „Aalen ist der Stammsitz von Mapal and bleibt es auch.“ Am Stammsitz since the time around 1600 Mitarbeiterinnen and Mitarbeiter beschäftigt, welltwei t since es 5000. Mapal ist damit der grote Arbeitgeber der Stadt and one of the largest Ausbildungsbetriebe in the region.

The companies are used and transfer precision machinery as well as process solutions and are gilded in various areas as market and innovation leaders. Larger work of the employer, drilling and milling are the automotive industry, but other sectors are also becoming increasingly important: so puts a part of the air industry on the map. Other branches are the general mechanical engineering, the fluid technology which is part of the work and form construction.

In Mittlerweile 44 Ländern der Welt Vertreten

I have made a map for a year that has yielded an amount of 588 million euros. Our employees are involved in the region 44 federal states of own production states and representatives of the service partners. If the Australian locations reach China and the USA. Neben Aalen betreibt Mapal German locations in Altenstadt, Ehrenfriedersdorf, Eppingen, Meiningen, Pforzheim and Winterlingen.

The company has been written in the middle-class generation since 2018 by Jochen Kress as managing director, its Grandfather Dr. Georg Kress founded the company in 1950 and the Einführung der Einmesser-Reibahle 1954 laid the foundation stone for the Wachstum, which is a project to be carried out by Dr. Dieter Kress.