
It is an exciting museum in the Alb-Donau-Kreis

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From “Urmu” to Malefiz: I am the Alb-Donau-Kreis, one of the few museums that exists. Present the best museums here, the final choice would be a shame. And that is not the case with bad weather.

Ulm/Alb-Donau-Kreis – Schlechtwetterzeit ist Museumszeit. Stimmt einseits schon. Other things are not possible. Who sollte man denn nur dann ins Museum gehen, wenn’s draußen who from Kübeln gießt and man auch sonst keine so wirklichen Ideas hat, who man denn the Tag in irgendeiner Form rumbringen could? A museum that falls on the water in normal autumn – and when a person is almost antizyklic for a wetter plant, how the man with the Sicherheit no longer long Schlangen en der Kasse or for the credible Ausstellungsobjekt.

Venus of the High Clouds
The next “Venus” was opened during the Ausgrabungen in 2008 in the Hohle Fels-Höhle near Schelklingen (Alb-Donau-Kreis). © Marijan Murat/dpa

Therefore, here is now a list of the best museums in the Alb-Donau-Kreis, in Ulm itself and on the other Donausite in Neu-Ulm

“urmu” – Urgeschichtliches Museum Blaubeuren

The Urgeschichtliche Museum in Blaubeuren, short for “urmu”, brings the ice-time life on the edge of the Swabian Alb to life in a truly meaningful way. The focus of the Daueraexhibition is the life of man over 40,000 years with the best results in the field of history and research. The Schatzkammer der Eiszeitkunst goes through the more exciting original presentation of a new work of art to the culture of the ice-time people.

Another highlight is the last human sighting of the world, the “Venus in the Hohle Fels”, which could be my “urmu” best aunt.

All these musical instruments can be used at some point. Let the sound filling of the birds from the bird bones and the mammutelfenbein come to an end.


Urgeschichtliches Museum, Kirchplatz 10, 89143 Blaubeuren

Opening hours:

Service day to Sunday: 10 a.m. to 5 p.m.; Montag geschlossen

Malefiz Museum Oberdischingen

If you think about it, the figures are one of the best Brettspiels that are probably false. Take a look at the Malefiz-Museum in Oberdischingen in the last Vergangenheit of the Spitzbubenlands. Here the jewelry of the watch is viewed. A home museum for Staunen and Gruseln.

Erzählt became the Geschichten van Räuberbanden with Anton Rosenberger (vulgo Schleiferstoni), Xaver Hohenleiter (der Schwarze Veri), Konstanzer Hans und Schleifers Bärbel, die von Vagantinnen zu gefürchteten Räuberinnen.

Ausstellungsstücke looks at other people in a marketplace while they were active inside. Oder eine Gefängniszelle mit der Geschichte der Schwarzen Lies, Gaunersprache (Rotwelsch), Scharfrichterwesen mit Galgen und Richtschwert, Diebeslisten mit 1487 Namen und een schmiedeeiserne Uhr von 1767, die letzten Stunden der Delinquenten anzeigte.


Malefiz Museum, Ziegelweg 15, 89610 Oberdischingen

Opening hours:

Sunday tags: 13 to 17 hours (Gruppenführungen nach Vereinbarung)

Crib Museum Oberstadion

In the restoration of the Pfarrscheuer from the Year 1612 in the Oberstadion was one of the finest and most fanatical Krippenausstellungen Deutschlands präsentiert. Auf 600 Quadratmetern kan man beef 160 Krippen bewundern.

Many visitors were performed as an art and in the Krippe. The money is a new Sonderausstellung. Groups were led by the museum, these became a rare alternative class, bedroom or handicap.

A highlight of the Dauerausstellung is “Das letzte Abendmahl” as Krippendarstellung. The Abendmahlszene wurde von Angela Tripi is the owner of the Krippenmuseum Oberstadion.


Krippenmuseum Oberstadion, Kirchplatz 5/1, 89613 Oberstadion

Opening hours:

Wieder geöffnet from November 1, 2024 to the end of January/early February 2025

Gallery Schloss Mochental & Besenmuseum Ehingen (Danube)

From 1730 onwards the beautiful Mochental Castle has some highlights. Allen would go with his 365 Fenstern to the Kloster Zwiefalten and wardamals der Sommersitz der Äbte. Heute is the herrschaftliche Schloss Hauptsitz of Galerie Ewald Karl Schrade.

On a surface of 2,500 square meters the gallery shows changing exhibitions from the classical modern to the contemporary. In the area of ​​baroque architecture and landscape architecture there is a special culture.

Beinahe kurios in diesem Umfeld is the small Besenmuseum with Ausstellungsstücken from all over the world.


Galerie Schrade, Mochental 1, 89584 Ehingen (Danube)

Opening hours:

Mittwoch to Samstag: 1 p.m. to 5 p.m., Sunday: 11 a.m. to 5 p.m.

Museum der Stadt Ehingen (Danube)

The Museum der Stadt Ehingen in the Heilig-Geist-Spital offers a great atmosphere in the Stadtgeschichte.

Einerseits becommen die Besucher wertvolle sacrale und profane Kunst zu sehen, zijnerseits aber auch Autographen und Werkausgaben heimischer Mundartdichter. Much attention is paid to the collection through an archaeological collection that offers construction tools and other work equipment for the craftsman.

In the former Spitalkapelle, Gothic and Mannerist wall paintings as well as kirchliche plastics were used.


City Museum Ehingen, Am Viehmarkt 1, 89584 Ehingen (Danube)

Opening hours:

Mittwoch: 10 a.m. to 12 p.m. and 2 p.m. to 5 p.m., Samstag/Sonntag: 2 p.m. to 5 p.m.

City Museum Schelklingen

In the Stadtmuseum Schelklingen the focus is on geological and urgent flashpoints in the environment. Unterbracht is the Stadtmuseum in ehemaligen Spital, a beautiful Fachwerkbau from 14. to 16. Years. Thematically a Schelklinger Häfnerwaren, Geology and Zementherstellung, Archäology and the Alamanni.

There is a Töpferei which can be found in the Stadtmuseum. Schautöpfern and Töpferkurse can be displayed on a problem and after the work is done.


Stadtmuseum Schelklingen, Spitalgasse 6, 89601 Schelklingen

Opening hours:

Sunday: 10 a.m. to 12 p.m. and 2 p.m. to 4 p.m

Kutschen-Wagen Museum Berghülen

The Kutschen-Wagen Museum Berghülen said an umfangreiche historical historical Kutschen and Pferdefuhrwerke anyway Geschirre. This is the high time of the moment when the Sammlung contains more than 100 examples of the verschiedensten Regionen Deutschlands. Some pieces are from Russia, Austria and Ungarn.

Kutschfahrten for families and groups may be better in winter, the children’s program is a larger Kutschentreffen in September.


Kutschen-Wagen-Museum Berghülen, Ulmer Straße 36, 89180 Berghülen

Opening hours:

April to October: Samstag, Sonntag and Feiertage: 10 am to 6 pm

November to March: Sunday: 1pm to 6pm

Ab 20 Personen taglich nach Vereinbarung.

Weberei- und Heimatmuseum, Laichingen

Mittens are housed in the Weberei- und Heimatmuseum in Laichingen in the Kirchenburg. The core of the Ausstellung is the Laichinger Weber craft and industrial development.

The History of the Residents of Laichingen may have been confused with the Leinenweberei a few years ago. The Museum illustrates the Flachsbearbeitung, the Webschule and the mechanical Weberei on the Leben der Weber in Laichingen.


Weberei- und Heimatmuseum, Weite Straße 41, 89150 Laichingen

Opening hours:

Open on request

Museum of Hohlenkunde, Tiefenhöhle Laichingen

The Ausstellung is a part of the geology, mineralogy, biology of the height and the Entstehung of the Swabian Alb. It is possible to carry out a different kind of research and sinterformen, so that the knochenreste vorzeitlicher tiere is.

Another mark of the Ausstellung lies on the Entstehung and the Opbouw of the Swabian Alb as Karstlandschaft and the Bedeutung of the Tiefenhöhle near Laichingen. It is worth going to the height of the Höhle in Germany – at a distance of 55 meters.


Museum of Hohlenkunde, Bei der Tiefenhöhle, 89150 Laichingen

Newspapers of the Museums of Hohlenkunde:

Karfreitag at the end of October: daylight from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m

Museum for Vor- und Frühgeschichte, Langenau

Presented in the Museum for Early and Early History in Langenauer Pfleghof were prehistoric funds from the caves of Lonetals, which also contain replicas of known, approximately 30,000 years old animal figures from elves. It is possible that the funding from the Jung and Altstein period is financed by a fund from the Roman period if it is so that it is otherwise.


Museum of Vor- und Frühgeschichte, Kirchgasse 9 (Pfleghof), 89129 Langenau

Opening hours:

Jeden 1. und 3. Sonntag im Monat: 14 – 16 Uhr en nach Vereinbarung, Führungen nach Vereinbarung; in the summer holidays.

You can no longer visit a man in the Alb-Donau-Kreis. Some other small and middle town is located in the schönsten on the Swabian Alb. While the museum has a great chance, the credible Badeseen in the region or the best of the free time becomes one of Ulm’s most empfohlen.