
Info-Date am Abend: Union hält Grenzkontspelen für unzureichend

Info-Date am Abend: Union hält Grenzkontspelen für unzureichend

The contacts with all German Borders, the Interior Minister of Nancy Faeser (SPD) have played a major role in the criticism. There are more themes of Abends with Florian Zelt.

The CDU and the CSU are blocking the mass negotiations, because they want to earn money illegally. The Gewerkschaft der Polizei complains about another, personal and Ausstattung fehlen. The Bundesregierung is working on the checks, which will take place during the Mitternacht.

Home Office: No border control possible

A speaker of the Ministry of the Interior states clearly: “The borders are open.” And: Not every border crossing became a federal police seat. If you involve the ministers in everything in your life, migration will be irregular. Traveling, Pendler and Wirtschaft have only become more interesting.

Federal Government: Im Austausch mit Nachbarländern

The Federal Government is an own country in the Australian state with the nation states. Federal Chancellor Olaf Scholz (SPD) has the Weekly with its own government telephone and insurance, which stops Germany and the EU rules for border controls. The new controls are not available until March 2025. It may be clear that the power takes so long before the EU asylum reform is implemented. It takes no longer or less than a year ago.

Ensure racial profiling in audits

The Ministry of the Interior has refuted the principles of racial profiling in border control. Racially motivated police officers are right-wing and unacceptable, like a female speaker. It is a matter of thinking about an irregular border crossing. The police have another favourite car in their sights, which these heavy-duty tractors are used for.

Flüchtlingsrat Baden-Württemberg criticizes Grenzkontstromen

The Baden-Württemberg refugee council critically assesses the control of the Baden-Württemberg borders. It is generally assumed that it is a “national issue”. The council speaks of “policy of abstention”. The right is low: if people use an asylum seeker, their back-tracking and the border is forbidden. If the police organization has appeared on the right to Asyl: if a person on the run has that bean bush, it will not last any longer. The players of Fußball-EM and Olympia see the man – everything that Schleuser and other organizers of Kriminelle do, on the low einstellen. The migration policy must be a man of the European Union.

Smart - or heart? In der Nacht op Montag, September 16, 2024, the first years of the cross-border Border Control have begun. The Wirtschaft is formed by the Entwicklung met Gemischten Gefühlen, the Verzögerungen stören de Abläufe und können high costs verursachen.

Operation feeds Status
Grenzkontstromen: Were the costs the Wirtschaft?

Stop or go? The economy in Baden-Württemberg and Rhineland-Palatinate is separated, with the border controls of the State leaders. It is a meeting with border goers.