
Restaurant hatte für Eröffnung 1.2 Tonnen Fleisch auf Lager

Restaurant hatte für Eröffnung 1.2 Tonnen Fleisch auf Lager

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Döner für einen Cent – ​​​​that is the idea of ​​Bünyamin for the opening of the Döner-Brothers-Restaurants. The American Tag has been upgraded with 2000 Kunden.

Kassel – “It was a pleasure for me to have a minus,” said Betreiber Bünyamin Erdin. Please note that Restaurants Döner Brothers on the Dutch Straße 40 in the Kasseler Nordstadt are available for sale today. Fast Food at Freitag, September 13, 2019. This is a great human experience for the new restaurant.

“The prize is that I am very happy with it, so that I get a small amount of Trinkgeld,” says Anna Pucelik, who has been waiting for more than a few meters of meat for my Döner. Her friend Melissa Basic does the following: “To try the Döner, it would take about 45 minutes.” It takes that long when they are both standing in front of the restaurant.

After a quick meal, you can visit friends Anne Pucelik (left) and Melissa Basic in front of the restaurant.
After a quick meal, you can visit friends Anne Pucelik (left) and Melissa Basic in front of the restaurant. © Florian Ullmann

New Doner Restaurant in Kassel offers high quality under high quality Doner and

“With the price you pay, it is not natural,” Erdin explains. “The Cent-Aktion has taken over me, because those people have come to know the Laden.”

Was the Döner laut Erdin so under the power, it is the quality of the Fleisches. There are many restaurants in your Döner as Drehspieße-verkaufen must, dare there si Döner nennen. Let the purity law once one of the following things happen on the Fleischanteil aufweisen.

Kasseler Döner-Brothers-Betreiber has a first Tag with 2000 Kunden

The 47-year-old restaurant was renovated in 15 months and has since been self-contained. So in the summer an air conditioning system can be installed. The restaurant’s tables are oak, however. A graffiti artwork was commissioned for the wall decoration.

Allein am Eröffnungstag rechnet Erdin met 2000 Kunden. Seit 10.30 am Please wait until 12 pm. “Wir haben 1,2 Tonnen Fleisch dafür auf Lager”, says it. The Lage in Uni-Nähe is no longer in Zufall. “Das Publikum hier ist super”, thus der Betreiber.

Inhaber Bünyamin Erdin said that he would like to buy Döner, and that he will be able to buy it at the Döner Brothers Restaurant and on the Dutch Straße.
Inhaber Bünyamin Erdin said that he would like to buy Döner, and that he will be able to buy it at the Döner Brothers Restaurant and on the Dutch Straße. © Florian Ullmann

Kunden von Kasseler Döner: “Safe, cozy and with fresh meat”

Please note that when you arrive on Saturday at the end of September, please do not hesitate to contact us for a donation of 4.99 euros. Ab October costs 6.50 Euro.

“I work with a great deal of effort,” Erdin explains. “Für de Döner nehme ich etwas weniger, als ich uufgrund der Qualität nehmen müsste, bekomme ich die Burger en Pizzen wieder heraus. If my costs are natural, there is another function.”

Such a delicious dish of high-quality Döner. “We will continue to work for a long time, but we will have to try,” said Nicolas Goldman. Especially the Brot hob Gloria Schott reads and Aylin Araci summarizes: “The Döner is soft, cozy, and the meat is fresh.” (by Florian Ullmann and Fabian Diekmann)