
Online reports – Gesellschaft – Schwerste Considering a Rückschaffung des Basler Sikhs

Online reports – Gesellschaft – Schwerste Considering a Rückschaffung des Basler Sikhs

© Photo by Ruedi Suter,

“Meine zentrale Erfahrung”: Sikh specialist Baumann with Modell des Amritsar-Temples.

This is a court for the Basler Sikh and Strasbourg Sikh Dalip Singh Khalsa

By Ruedi Suter

A reaction of the Basler-Strassenwischers with the turban after they received the “Basler Sikh”. Davor warned the religious scholars and Sikh expert Christoph Peter Baumann.

“I’m happy to think about it,” said Christoph Peter Baumann (61) after a day of thinking. The Basler religionwissenschaftler is looking for messages from online reports that followed in August, the one-sided study of the strassenwischers and asylum seekers from Dalip Singh Khalsa that he could have bought. If you live in Switzerland, Sikhs could come into contact with Baumann. Van andauernden Schikanen über weitere Jahre im Gefängnis bis his zur Torture – everything.

Massacre, Lynchexsesse

When Dalip Singh became a political man, he was made a mark of the world by the mass core, Lynchings and Pogroms as a seinen Glaubensbrüdern by the Indian Army and Andersgläubige in the year 1984 with the establishment of a transit flight, an unacceptable low Sikh mark so make.

Politically active and professed Sikhs, who waited, a Tages wieder in his Sikh-Area of ​​Punjab and Jammu-Kaschmir secretive Zukehren, will regularly receive settlements by the Indian Behörden ausgesetzt, paints Baumann. De Leiter von Inforel, der Beratungsstelle Information Religion in Basel, weiss wovon is spricht: Leben und Glauben der Sikh know dat het is niet zweiter in der Schweiz.

Not all Sikhs were discussed earlier

Since Christoph Peter Baumann has traveled to the area where the Sikhs live in the Nordic region, there is also a diplomacy with the title “Otherwise than in Indonesia – Sikhs in Switzerland” (1994). About 1,000 people in Switzerland knew Sikhs, a natural realization that Dalip Singh Khalsa made a trip in Switzerland.

Baumann will make sure that Sikhs differ in opinion, the free time and the critical direction of the director will determine, which is one of the best ways to direct or to direct. Letztere have in If at any time something has to be done: “Surely the Sikhs were treated today.” Not as much but people as Dalip Singh.

In order not to be bothered, this one must be punished by a few police officers after his back – “with a four-piece dollar amount”. In the fall, the Basler Turban-Träger must be assessed “with massive schwierigkeiten”. Baumann was born, Dalip Singh became after outsourcing one of his favorite activities, while the best of money was – softer areas – free time. Maybe you see that it is different, nobody thinks and thinks anymore.

No more lateral movement

Once you have a Knast-loskaufen-könne, there is a good chance that a family in the Heimatstadt Jammu with problems solves problems. Heimgekehrte Widerstandskämpfer wie würden in der Regel von den Sicherheitsbehörden nicht gelassen in Frieden. The Dass Dalip Singhs family has no more money, Baumann on his Erfahrung zurück, that is in the last years that Sippenhaft has been more beobachtet.

Dalip Singh experienced Christoph Peter Baumann in Basel “if one integrates well, even when he speaks miserable German”. Learning a language is not one’s strength. When all people use an argument for good integration, I think of Baumann. Dalip Singh believed in Basel, a general interest, even in the Fasnacht. For all Sikhs, tragedy is their turban. If you know your own roots – and the turban is a bit, it might be a problem in the foreign world and get an integrity. “That’s my experience.” The central meaning is for Baumann definitely the extraordinarily high ethics of the Sikh community. “Neben den auch bei Christian bekannten Prinzipien: Arbeite und Bete, sie een drottes – da Teilen with dem Others. And that will be a blessing.”

Basler Entscheid is head Sache

“These Todesängste Dalip Singhs in Zusammenhang mit der drhenden Ausschaffung sind nicht unbegründet”, says Michel Meier, Geschäftsleiter der Beratungsstelle für Asylsuchende der Region Basel (BAS). If you have a passion after a few months, you can die after a few months. The Beratungsstelle has been established by the Migration Office of the sister security departments of the cantons of Basel-City. This is the message that OnlineReports reported, in the form that an application for a “human gründen” was submitted on January 16.

The fall of the “Basler Sikhs” Dalip Singh is now with Basler Police Director Hanspeter Gass personally. “That is the chief issue, which is heartfelt for all”, says Police Speaker Klaus Mannhart: Regierungsrat Gass is separated, from the Antrag at all – and if Yes: together or possible – a Federal Office for Migration is further guided. These must first be stamped or sent to the Daumen. Hat “Bern” is one of the most likely strassenwischer with the turban Basel. There is a kind of Aufenthaltsbewilligung B. Winkt Bern who has thrown himself in the second half of the month of his life – it is no longer a reward for the Sikh. Then the Swiss final edition must be.

Uncertainty for three other Sikhs

The Basel Security Department has Klaus Mannhart entschlossen ist, “no escape” zuzulassen, thanks to BAS Leader Michel Meier to a liberal humanitarian Haltung der Basler Behörden. This time you see nothing more in Canton Zurich, where you are Hardliner of Sagen-hätten. It was still the case that Sikhs could use their help. If another Sikh, who is in the Basel area, knows that the Massacre and the Sikhs in Amritsar have taken flight and with Dalip Singh Khalsa together in the Schweiz-geflüchtet had been. If it is good that you can no longer see the Ausschaffung – with the dem Unterschied, in the Herz geschlossen wurden with the Basler Strassenwischer with the orange Turban.

January 24, 2008

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Christoph Peter Baumann

Christoph Peter Baumann (61) has appealed to the religion and glaze forms years ago. Er ist der Gründer und Leiter von INFOREL – Information religion – in Basel. You can bring the history of religion and public health in England, India and Pakistan to the attention of other people. There is a publication on the theme and the author of wistschaftlichen and all images of Büchern. 2000 Gab Baumann with the book “Religions in Basel-Stadt und Basel-Landschaft” een Führer durch das religiöse Basel” heraus. Diese Woche thereschien der die Deutschschweiz zogeschnittene “Kalender der Religionen 2008”, in dem all active Feste and Feiertage der here Vertretenen Religionsgemeinschaften have started with the Evangelical reform and Kirche Basel-Stadt and Inhaber von “Manava, Verlag en Vertrieb”.