
Versuchtes Trump-Attentat: Was wir eraser und was nicht

Versuchtes Trump-Attentat: Was wir eraser und was nicht

I am shocked by the attention paid to Donald Trump in the US and the world. When the Monate looks a second time, when the Republicans’ personal sniper demands another Anschlag.

After Donald Trump’s Wahlkampfteam of Schüssen appeared “in the new” of the American presidents, the FBI was informed by the Wort: The Bundespolizei has received a reconciliation from the presidential candidates of the Republicans. The 78-year-old age is unsatisfactory at the Vorfall in the golf club in West Palm Beach in Florida. Head nurse is the 58-year-old Ryan Wesley Routh – there was a big party and a party. But fell Questions are still offensive.

What do we know:

  • The Fall: Trump is playing Sunday afternoon golf at the West Palm Beach Club when a Secret Service person launches an attack from the bussen field on the golf courses. If the US media draw attention to the guidelines, Routh’s mobile phone will travel a long way to Tatort – and it would. After you turn the lid, you have to aim the Behörden at the fire. The suspect said that Schuss from the Sheriff of Palm Beach County, Ric Bradshaw, the sender Fox News was informed.
  • The Flight: Routh erriff nach Angaben der Polizei met een Auto die Flucht. There are many people who are busy with the police and the police, so that the car and the man can identify themselves. There would be a time on a highway on the next festivities of Bradshaw, as Bradshaw said.
  • The Tatort: ​​Trump’s Golf Club is one of the best players, who stands a solid meter high in the bus and on the ground. The police blocked a range directly on a street of the Ort, and the way Mann would determine his position. The police who does this, is a Gewehr in the SKS-Stil-zurück. The security force can hold a large backpack and a compact room. Bradshaw will finance the Ceramic Flies. “The war is a war, if an Art Schutzpanzer endures, falls in its shooting value,” the Sheriff said on Fox News.
  • Der Verdächtige: Gegen de Hauptverdächtigen Routh wurde voor eeninem Bundesgericht in Florida Anklage erhoben zijn. Dem 58-Jährigen became the Besitz a Feuerwaffe as a verurteilter Straftäter and the Besitz a Feuerwaffe with an unknown number of serial numbers left behind. Weitere Anklagepunkte can follow. US-Mediterranean is working on Routh as an independent Bauunternehmer in Hawaii.

What we don’t know:

  • The motive: the power of the Ermittler will not be offizielen in the use of the Verdächtige Beweggründen. US-Medien reports reports that Routh has started working in the social networks, is politically advanced and before the Russian Ukraine has developed, the US government under President Joe Biden is treated. Much has been learned, Australian countries have had camps in Ukraine – and in a written country, it is so, in Ukraine are camps and deaths. It is a violation, but it is intended that you end up on the Golfplatz. Dem Sender CNN has received a message about Routh in Netz and has criticized Trump, who has adopted his behavior, that the Ukraine-Krieg has appeared within 24 days.
  • The previous: Trump has drawn up a term plan as a presidential candidate with an aspiring president Biden. It is also unclear whether the American president Trump and that day in his golf club will have his worth, when it comes to the politics of politics. Trump played golf on Wednesday in one of his golf clubs. The Sunday afternoon game is with the real estate investor and partner Steve Witkoff. American journalists note that this is not the case for Anwohnerinnen and Anwohners, if Trump now goes a kilometer further than West Palm Beach with his car colony.
  • The Gefahr: The Suspicious War after the Polizei has now started a hundred meters from Trump. A geübter-schütze can come from a solchen-entfernung with the right Australian major damage reports. It is unclear, who has drawn attention to the Republican for the Zwei Monaten in Pennsylvania, has an advocate, so he has no contact. It is clear that there is a presidential candidate and a chairman of the secret service as a chairman of the secret service. Trumps Sicherheitsteam will get the most attention.
  • The following: It is possible that Trump’s personal protection will be increased. If you want the fall, the Security Service must be carried out. Was the fall for the President’s choice on November 5, will be severely reduced. If you meet Trump, then you will notice that you will get a greater mobilization. Don’t let it happen, it is an expense. There is power over Biden and the Stellvertreterin Kamala Harris with verantwoordlich. “Wegen die communist left-wing rhetoric flies through the balls, and it won’t get any schlimmer now!”, Schrieb is on the platform Truth Social. So I think Harris has found one of the concrete blocks from the US, which is on the American market for the wall in the US. If the wahl is a head-to-head run, Trump and his democratic opponent Harris ab.