
Commentary on Plants Attention to Donald Trump

Commentary on Plants Attention to Donald Trump

Donald Trump is about the struggle: Auf Amerika wartet ein grässlicher Wahlkampf-Endspurt

The republican presidential candidate now has power over democracy, a man on the schiessenwold. That is not hilfreich.

Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump has been given a number of rides into the Passover Week.

Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump has been given a number of rides into the Passover Week.

Image: Alex Brandon/AP

Once again, a man has been asked to eat Donald Trump. Much attention should be paid to the rapid response of Secret Service agents.

This is the good cause. It is clear that the echo is focused on the attention. So it is more like two hours, the night-time channel CNN on Sunday a push notification verschickte. Selbst Trumps spends war by schneller.

Dafür gibt es zwei Gründe. Erste: I am working on the Wahlkampf-veranstaltung in July, sich die dramatic Ereignisse abseits coarser Menschenmengen ab. This is one of the many photos of Trump, who breaks the Faust in the high streckt.

Der zweite Grund: The American Bevölkerung is total. Rolled into the great Volkswirtschaft der Welt leader zum Alltag.

If Trump comes along, this American American Beobachter action could happen. In July and war, the Parteitag der Republikaner in quasireligiosen Tönen befeiert befeiert. Now there is no Schockwelle more during this country.

Also goss the Republicans on Monday oil in fire. Trump accuses the Democrats, he is for the attention in the responsibility – while Kamala Harris and the consorts of ex-presidents standardly vertufelten. A spread yet more absurd Theses.

Solche hetzerischen Aussagen sind nicht hilfreich. If you are looking for a good dish at the Endspurt in Rennen, in the Weisse Haus. There was a grass field at the American Wahlkampf Final.