
Car current

Car current

Please note that an EU Regulation will be announced in July when all new vehicles will be available with a Reihe von Fahrerassisistenzsystemen signal. Here you can read, a good system is a good trade.

Since July 2022, a new vehicle with the sister assistance systems has been available again, one of the traffic constraint will be reduced and the security in road traffic will be improved. The EU Regulation on all new vehicles will be available in July.

Heart Failure Emergency Service (AEBS)
This is due to the fact that the brake assistant (Autonomous Emergency Braking System – AEBS) is also responsible for the safety of your vehicle, so that you are aware of the safety precautions. If it is notorious, the Notbremsassistent can automatically solve a Notbremsung, with the Soul, a possible collision zu prevented. Zunächst muss die Sensorik Hindernisse und Fahrzeuge können. If you have a problem with the Drohenden kollisionen with radar and motion sensors, this automatically becomes a Bremsung introduction.

Notfall Spur Stop Assistant (ELK)

Recognizes the Spurhalteassistent in case of unintended accidents of a fahrspur a message, triggers the Emergency Lane Keeping (ELK) which is this during the Lenkeingriffe. There is a departure from the fahrbahn or a collision with the opposing traffic prevented.

More Intelligent Geschwindigkeitsassistant (ISA)

The intelligent automatic speed assistance (Intelligent Speed ​​​​Adaption – ISA) can be performed faster by the activated geltender speed limits, which can be used per room sensor and / or other GPS navigation technology. The warnings and the sending of the system will be worth reaching the limits, while a flashing symbol or a height of the accelerator pedal extensions is displayed. An ISA loss can be changed by automatically limiting the deceleration of the engine power and limiting the limit. The ISA technology can fall into the trap or fail. Will the driver faster also if there was a fahren, that is the time it takes.


Cars equipped with the warning lights signal following vehicles, that is with a stronger care brake. In the case of a endurance care of six meters per square meter at more than 50 km/h or an ABS activation, the flashing of the brake light would be indicated in faster follow-up. Come to Stehen with a strong brake of the car, while the hazard light is active, one of the following warnings.

Blackbox/Unfalldatenspeicher (EDR)

Der Unfalldatenspeicher soll Daten in einem geschlossenen and anonymisierten System vore een nach einem Unfall aufzeichnen, ähnlich wie Flugschreiber in Flugzeugen. The dates were fortlaufend and overwritten, as an ereignis, zum Beispiel ein Crash, das overschreiben stopped. The device was installed, among other things, Geschwindigkeit, Verzögerung, Beschleunigung and Position. This data can be carried out by the police or the accident analysis control.

Skills Warning (DDAW)

The Driver Drowsiness and Attention Warning (DDAW) is the most warning as a warning for warnings. In most cases the analyses of the phases were analyzed, while a few cases the movements of the augers and augers were. When it comes to sudden and strong lenkeingriffs, and by some strange things, the system dies like mud. If the mark no longer works, it is worth a break.

Reverse assistant

The Rückfahrassistent is to make the Rückwärtsfahren safer. The sensor and/or other room-based technology informs the driver persons or obstacles, which give their Beispiel a hint about a vehicle pulling out of a parking space. In the fall of a room system, it is one of the images that sends a signal, as an alternative to a signal or a warning to warn.

Reifendrucküberwachung (new for Kleintransporter)

For the new Pkw the Reifendrucküberwachung may be mandatory for a number of years. You can automatically install the Überwachung of Reifendruck in small transport, Lkw-Anhängern, Trucks and Buses. The system überwacht den Reifendruck standard. If you want to reach a certain point, you will be warned that the setback on the überprüfen takes place.

Guidelines for alcohol-free road barriers

New vehicles can be opened with the cut-off signal, the Einbau von Alkolocks. This technique and the board should put the Fahrtantritt zum Beispiel in a Röhrchen. If you have a higher alcohol level, the signal from the Kraftstofversorgung hoods can be activated and thus prevent the engine from starting. For the mandatory use of a battery of alcohol roadblocks, you can use the correct Rahmenbedingungen in Germany. Insofern would die in the Neufahrzeugen-vorhandene Schnittstelle nicht gleichzeitig with the Einbau of Alkolocks einhergehen. Alkoholauffällige Fahrer konnftig zum Einbau verpflichtet.