
Netradyne Technology Acquires Roos Fleetservice to Improve Fleet and Vehicle Performance in Europe

Netradyne Technology Acquires Roos Fleetservice to Improve Fleet and Vehicle Performance in Europe


Netradyne, a prosperous company of advanced intelligence (AI) technology for the fleet and driver, has developed a strategic partnership with Roos Fleetservice GmbH, a company of fleet management systems in Germany. If you want to do this, it is the European experience of Roos Fleetservice with Netradyne flag ship product Driver•en zugänglich zu machen. The merger is a much bigger issue with more security in the road traffic and the management of fleet management in the EU and a significant milestone in the continued expansion of Netradyne in the joint European Union (EU). Thus, Netradyne puts its state-of-the-art security technology a big circle of fleet operations for implementation.

Netradyne has installed more than a hundredth installation system in all major companies in the commercial sector in the US, Germany, UK, India, Australia, New Zealand and Canada. Drivers use Artificial Intelligence (AI), Machine Learning (ML) and Edge Computing to analyze 100% of driving times and set new benchmarks for vehicle safety. If the driver has driven more than 15 million kilometers per kilometer, the AI ​​was with 99% more power – the alarm is reduced and the height of the driver’s confidence in the technology.

Roos Fleetservice works at Roos Vehicle Logistics GmbH, a company that offers a comprehensive range of fleet management products. The company offers a complete fleet management with installation and warning services for other services.

When you partner with Roos, you gain enormous potential for that time Advancing safety standards and optimizing fleet management throughout Europe through innovative technology”said Durgadutt Nedungadi, Sr. Vice President of International Affairs at Netradyne. “The Driver-Scoring-System GreenZone of Driver’s is based on a more positive view and offers a complete overview of Fahrzeugflotten and Fahrer. It is a safe way of working and letting go of prosperity throughout Europe.

Maximilian Lorbach, CEO of Roos Fleetservicecommentary: “The cooperation with the network management of the driver by a European Union can clearly see our declarations, modern Flottenlösungen-anzubiten, who ermöglichen a Steigerung der Effizienz and Security for Unternehmen aller Größenordnungen. Gemeinsam kan neue maßstäbe für die Fahrzeugsicherheit und das Flottenmanagement in der gesamten EU-setzen.

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Netradyne Technology Acquires Roos Fleetservice to Improve Fleet and Vehicle Performance in Europe

Liberty Comms in Netradyne’s Auftrag:

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