
With the Rad zur Klimakonferenz: Mit Kissen – aber ohne Kocher

With the Rad zur Klimakonferenz: Mit Kissen – aber ohne Kocher

In the Ebenen Bulgarians a road can boil for a long time. Look at a hotel that was not made by an autorist.

People in conference room, in the background of a Leinwand

Here nor in Bonn, demnächst in Baku: Delegierte der Klimakonferenz Photo: photo alliance/dpa | Christoph Driessen

I must go through the Ebony Bulgarians. On the map in Istanbul, but after Sofia, in the capital, it is not even 600 kilometers. The best country of the EU is big and thinly decorated. Two days I have to go through dry Bush and Ödland on shabby, empty roads. There is also a time when the time of the journey is shared by the woman, who makes the journey too high. Questions about equipment, navigation and everything to do with a visa.

I trust in my old-fashioned camping equipment. A 2-person tunnel tent (2.3 kg), a sleeping bag made of artificial ropes (1.2 kg) and a self-inflating sleeping mat (640 g). This trio is for my unguarded gaze. It may be true that you spend a night in hotels or hostels, but you have not lost flexibility, a stay and an unprecedented experience.

When the time comes, when the son no longer works, in such a place on the Zeltplatz of my machine, then look at the other Moments that Tour, genauso as in Dunkeln vor dem Zelt zu sitzen and in the Himmel zu schauen and später in the Schlafsack zu kriechen – all the hotels in the area have never been so good, but it is a good idea to make a trip and make a bet on your may. Freedom beats Comfort, if there is something new about a luxury that is no longer visible: a small pillow, an investment, which is auf die reise is under the great hat.

Now there is a Kocher in our Platzgründen no longer available in the Travel Package. Essen is preiswert en gut in the Balkans and in the Turkish world, and Brot, Aufstrich, Obst und Gemüse lassen sich gut calm verzehren.

Navigate with a connection to Google Maps, the Komoot app and physical maps from travel know-how publications. This is a good team, an insurer, soul-stirring and most paved streets you can find. But every medium has its strengths and thorns, and a Radreisdenden heart of consensus: The perfect travel app for Radfahrer must still be financed.

I must make this journey for the sake of happiness. The German passport is characterized by the strong quality of the world and is thus a journey in all federal states that make the roads visa-free.

Was Aserbaidchan involved, which was a problem for the Kurzem in the same wonderful way solved. Officially, Aserbaidchan has blocked passenger traffic beyond the “Corona limits”. Travel is now possible on the air. If I have received a label that is my best travel column, it is an email from the Auslandsburo des Landes with the offer, which is to share an escape, a flight-free trip to the world climate conference to be possible. If war is a great joy, it may be that the soul is only in the direction of flight, how that journey can no longer be carried out.

The journey is also under a good star. Before we see the days, it is in Turkish history and the first kilometers: that country is different. I am negative, now that I have received a military force with angelic rulers and controllers, everything is positive, we will start the man here with an unnoticed offensive and heart. The arrival in Baku is a significant delay, I will add all the entries for Turkish coffee and coffee.

Mittlerweile has reached the end of Istanbul. Here it is worth spending time and clean up the organization of the second half of the time.