
“Das ganz große Vertrauen ist nicht mehr da” (ETFs) From dpa-AFX

“Das ganz große Vertrauen ist nicht mehr da” (ETFs) From dpa-AFX

FRANKFURT (DEUTSCHE-BOERSE AG) – The long-term Tech-Euphorie vorbei, the Stimmung is expensive. The dominant positions are still not as large as those of Tech and Halbleiter ETFs. However, both the largest Indians are more skeptical.

September 17, 2024. A great war is being waged, the buyers are being re-emerged on the ETF market. Holger Heinrich von der Baader Bank reported for the past week more as a departure, with a slight reversal of expectations. Frank Mohr of the Société Générale (EPA:) sees it all. The other euphoria is no longer to be found. “If you see a departure, the purchase/sales position is no longer large.” One of the best options in this area are the investment funds of the Anleihen-ETFs with 44 percent. This applies to the Société Generale Werte at 30 percent.

“The large turnover is nothing more than that,” Mohr says and reports that there are no purchases in US () and global stock (). Laut Baader Bank has fragged Low Volatility ETFs (). If you are listening to the US Aktien with ESG filter, you are looking at the Amundi Equal Weight ESG Leaders () and the US ESG Low Carbon (ETR:) Equity Factors (). “Bei den World ETFs war ESG ebenfalls im Fokus, allendings nicht with final Tendenz”, ergänzt Heinrich andberichtet von Zu- () and Abflüssen ().

Im trading with european transactions is the purchase price in the German market. Believe here: der iShares Core MSCI Europe (). Laut Heinrich has studied a number of Länder ETFs, starting with Aktien from ?-sterreich, Switzerland and France. Bei Lang & Schwarz bleibt außerdem If großes Theme: “Those Käufe stopped an”, states Leo Puschmann fest.

Less interest in ESG

ESG ETFs are currently the best choice for ETF analysis and trading houses Crossflow. Regional investments since January to August on the market have been 47 percent of the net assets in global products sold, which is a high, 37 percent in the US, 10 percent in European and 6 percent in Asian products. Three quarters of the Gelderland companies have put 20 percent on Branch and Factor ETFs and now 3 percent on the ESG range on Large Cap products. “Darüber has fallen on Aktien ETFs on American underlying values, which in August have strengthened 10 million euros net with ?Best in Class? products that have been put together, a great American and global exclusion – products that have been removed”, explains Crossflow.

Tech branch: Optimists and Zweifler

The very big AI enthusiasm seems to have faded. “The question of technology and semi-tech ETFs has gone back,” says Puschmann. “Tech ETFs are enjoying one of the best results in industry ETFs, it’s not more than a century ago,” says Mohr. The long-standing extreme belief in iShares S&P 500 Information Technology () and Xtrackers Artificial Intelligence & Big Data () would be traded in both directions. Heinrich is no longer interested in Cloud Computing ETFs ().

The theme issue is the healthcare sector, and is connected to the Xtrackers MSCI World (ETR:) Health Care (), next to the Abflüssen of Invesco Biotech (), with more messages. Laut Heinrich comes from the SPDR MSCI World Health () intestine and. Ebenfalls im Fokus: the Energy sector. The Société Generale registers Purchases and Sales, the Baader Bank Purchases for the iShares Global Clean Energy (NASDAQ:) (). Our conviction: of UBS (SIX:) Solactive Global Pure Gold Miners (), with Mohr party. The war will take place on the new All-zeithoch of 2,589 dollars in US dollars.

Money market yes, Cryptos no

I trade with existing ETFs, it is the trade that uses most money market products. The Nachfrage stops. Look for the Overnight Rate-ETF of Amundi (9:) to the Xtracker (4:) to Verkäufe.

When the Ethereum price is paid, the power in Crypto ETN trading is noticeable. Puschmann signs up for Ethereum and Bitcoin Tracker. “With other predictions, trading is impossible.”

Von Anna-Maria Borse, September 17, 2024, © Deutsche Börse (ETR:) AG

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