
Citizen money: 18-year payment ab – „Ist nichts für mich“

In the Benz-Baracken of Mannheim, life is often a balanced balance between Hoffnung and Reality. Viele Bewohner sind auf Bürgergeld angewiesen – een good bezahlter Job bleibt meist a ferner Traum. But “Harz und herzlich”-Star Anna (18) had found a way, on all the stones – until she finally found the journey.

Anna likes to take notes on the Ausbildungsplatz when there is a malfunction. A Riesenerfolg for the family, the after the tragic Verlust of Tochter Lisa-Marie (†16) and the Trennung der Eltern eenige Schicksschläge-verkraftenmusste. But the Freude währte nur kurz.

Citizen money: Anna hat genug von ihrer Ausbildung

Anna decides, the education is abzubrechen. In one of the following Doku-Soap stories the following is said: “I have a problem, we are a bit nothing for my ist.” With that separation right it is a prominent Beispiele of the List, like Beate, that of Solidarität with Freundin Ela in his Job aufgab.

+++ Citizen money: Sohn zt die Schule – Eltern zahlen saftiges Bußgeld +++

For Anna-war the failing effect of the Ausbildung is a separate factor. “I have not received any money for that, what I find is simply fat!” said it unworded. Anna has a plan B: a preparation for the market purchase. If you buy a kas or a regal dinner, this will go in the right direction.

Trotz der actualellen Wendung hat Anna langfristige Plane. If you have a sparring hat, you may have found another way. „Danach will I was with Art machen“, as you know, wenn those details are still unclear.

RTL2 said on Monday (26. August) from Monday to Friday at 18.05 Uhr new follow-ups of “Hartz und Herzlich” from the Mannheimer Benz-Baracken. The episodes are included in the Anschluss in the Mediatheek at RTL+ to watch.