
Olympia 2024 – Seine-Schwimmerin: «Erbrechen im Zehn-Minuten-Takt»

Olympia 2024 – Seine-Schwimmerin: «Erbrechen im Zehn-Minuten-Takt»

The Freiwasserrennen and Olympia 2024 have played a few athletes. Leonie Beck spichted over. The races will not last long.

The most important thing in the round

  • Leonie Beck shepherds the paths of the dreckige Seine grimly scarred.
  • The German Freiwasserschwimmerin hated Durchfall.
  • “Then it is important to start solving problems within the minutes,” he explains.


Swimmer Leonie Beck has painted her research for the Freiwasserrennen for Olympia 2024 in the Seine with final rücklichen Worten. If you are in Wettkampf, it is still not possible to consult the 27-Jährige der Mediengruppe «Münchner Merkur/tz».

«Ab elf Uhr habe ich dann schon commented: Oh, oh, irgendwas ist comic. I am in the Hotel Meiner Eltern, and I must stay there. Leider was never allowed into his room, one of the best ways to look into the hotel lobby.”

Beck stressed: “Then it starts in the minute-beat with the erbrechen. The war is then heavy, that is the battle in the Dorf-war.”

Three of the German starters who race in the Seine pose healthy problems. Neben Beck was treated on an outpatient basis with Leonie Märten’s roads, erbrechen and Durchfall.

Join the discussion during the washing quality at Olympia 2024

The war with the Deutschem Olympic Sports Federation was hit by a German Schwimmer. A name does not apply to DOSB. If the man Oliver Klemet in the broadcast of Kilometre Silber, Tokyo Olympian Florian Wellbrock wurde leaves behind.

Over time, you may have a conversation with the washing quality in the large Pariser Fluss. So I run a triathlon wettbewer as a Freiwasser. After the sale had started, the washing was very unthinkable, one of the wettkämpfe in the Seine.

Beck: «I am not a stranger, but I am a dammit abschliessen became»

“They played well with each other, because they were well lived but not very enjoyable,” said Beck. «Both athletes fell as if they were lost. It is a life-saving gift, which can lead to severe reactions one day.”

Weiter: «I am froh, that is ich wieder bin. I have my new life, in this moment war with everything else scheissegal. I would like to know what would happen.”

Beck ergänzte: «I think there is damage, what is happening. The Medal Winner is a natural glücklich nach Hause. The rest is still a bisschen affair.”

Beck started as a favorite. The aspiring Double European Master and Double World Champion of 2023 are not bright with one of the most powerful Strömungen, but they will never be that bright.

Normally you will find Freiwasserlopen on Top-Niveau nicht in Flüssen statt. “Für me war gegen die Strömung nicht möglich,” said Beck. “I can’t get my attention. I don’t know, but I know that you were abschliessen.»



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TriathlonOlympia 2024