
Experts advise on the tests of Pränatale tests

Experts advise on the tests of Pränatale tests

Der Gesundheitsausschuss des Bundestags hat sich am Mittwoch in Berlin with a fraction of the Fractionsübergreifenden Initiative aus
the Bundestag zu vorgeburtlichen Tests auf eine Behinderung des Kindes beschäftigt. Most Sachverständigen understand the Antrag der Bundestagsabgeordneten, the zunehmmenden Einsatz der Tests and the Auswirkungen nachzuverfollowen. Nach dem Willen der Abgeordneten is an expert of a great position and a message in the Bundestag-sent.

Der Vorsitzende des Gemeinsamen Bundesausschusses in Gesundheitswesen, Josef Hecken, explains the Vorstoß aus dem
Bundestag ausdrücklich. If all goes well, there will be an ethical Grundfragen, which the Bundestag will elect. There is a long-term experience that can affect the Bundesauzen in an ethical way, such as Hecken. It is a matter of a matter, politics and the Bundessausschuss are not wollt: “Wir wolllten keinen Massentest”, says there.

Since 2022, non-invasive Pränataltests Kassenleistungen

The Gemeinsame Bundesausschuss (G-BA) of Krankenhäusern, Ärzten and Krankenkassen is the central Gremium in the Selbstverwaltung des Gesundheitswesens. There is a concern, the compensation is the best of the cash flows. As of July 2022, no more invasive Pränatal Tests (NIPT) have been carried out, while the Trisomy festivities were being carried out, and Down syndrome. The broke tests will take place over the years, but must be carried out until 2022 itself. If there is an alternative to the invasive tests during fruit growing or the unborn children, you will die in your four years of 1,000 cases of fehlgeburten-führen-können.

121 Abgeordnete from the SPD, Union, Grünen, FDP and the Gruppe van de Linken have brought the community an overload of tests for the prenatal tests in April in the Bundestag. After the factions of the mountain reifenden group have carried out the tests that are carried out more like a Drittel of the Schwangeren power, they will now solve the risks in the Rahmen-rztlicher Beratung.

People with backgrounds see the best effect

Man’s connection with the background looks good in its best days. The Bundesgeschäftsführerin der Lebenshilfe, Jeanne Nicklas-Faust, passed the test, which was introduced in 40 steps of the Schwangerschaften. If you have a «Reihenuntersuchung» problem, there is no problem. It’s not politically interesting. If you want to try to run the tests for all machines, this is no longer for Selbstzahler. The great interest in the development of the company, which suggests that the sale of goods for people has an underlying cause, warns Nicklas-Faust. The Schauspielerin Carina Kühne, who herself invented Down syndrome, can perform the best tests at the finish line, the human being is seen as “nicht wollt”.

If the team of the Frauenärzte is aware, one of the results of the Bluttests and the Zahl of the Spätabtreibungen depends on the previous dates. The concrete work, work and work cannot affect the woman. It’s all a matter of separation, whether the test is wool or not. When you see the Frage, you see the Zahl of the Abtreibungen in the Stadion of the Schwangerschaftswegen der higher Testungen gestiegen ist. At the end of 2023, the Federal Ministry of Health will no longer have knowledge of the Antwort on an Anfrage der Unions-Fraktion reform. If you use the pregnancy meditation, it is worth using Zahlen.

Prenatal diagnosis (PND) involves regulating the diagnosis after the diagnosis has been made in an unborn child. The limits of standard research and prenatal diagnosis have often been exceeded. Grundsätzlich is used in PND to use “non-invasive” and “invasive” methods.