
New application for US-Zinsentscheid from dpa-AFX

New application for US-Zinsentscheid from dpa-AFX

NEW YORK (dpa-AFX) – Before the US-Notenbank Fed’s sentence split, the US economy probably started. The Leitindex Industrial Markierte am Dienstag gleich zu begin en der marktbreite im weiteren Handelsverlauf jeweils eine Rekordmarke.

Zuletzt zeichnete der Dow ein Plus von 0.34 Prozent af 41,764.94 Punkte. For the S&P 500 it was 0.48 Prozent auf 5,660.09 Punkte hoch. Der Vortags schwächelnde, technolastige gewann 0,60 Prozent auf 19,539,94 Zähler.

Trotz überwiegend sharper konjunkturdaten erwarten velde marktteilnehmer am tomorrow Mittwoch weiterhin in een German Leitzinssenkung of the American Notenbank Fed. The data are milder than the solutions for a Wirtschaftsabschwung.

The American electronics trader began shaping the form in August. Volkswirte have made a comeback. Do the following in July if all goes well. Since production from the American industry began in German in August, the company will be transformed into another word in the form. The NAHB Hausmarktindex for September speaks of history.

The date of the “Fed Watch Tool” of the CME options is a probability of 59 percent, that the Fed has made its monetary policy turn with a greater meaning value of 0.5 percent of a number of ends. The value lies only slightly below the front-end level – for a week it is empty 34 percent and for a month 25 percent.

If the basis for the observation is a German Sentence Knowledge for National Bank Analyst Frank Wohlgemuth the Abschwächung of the US Labor Markets, there are now no more than two foreign Monthly Reports. Also the Inflation is in the downward trends of inflation.

Ralf Umlauf of the Landesbank Hessen-Thuringia is more skeptical. There is a small amount of commercial transactions. After the solid start in the three quarters, the Konsumdynamik is heavily required. Seines Erachtens served the Zahlen-insgesamt aber nicht zur Rechtfertigung eines großen Lockerungsschrittes der Fed in dieser Woche.

Unter de Einzelwerten zogen am die day de Aktien of de erneuten Dow-Spitzenreiters Intel (NASDAQ:) um weitere 7,9 Prozent an. Start starting the Halbleiter-konzern with the following state-owned company Milliarden-Zuschüsse from the United States. After the Börsenschluss-kündigte, the Construction of Works in Magdeburg is anyway in Poland auf Eis zu empty. The projects became a reality a year later. There is a strategic Intel development with Amazon’s Cloud-Sparte AWS.

Microsoft (NASDAQ:) paper is worth about 1.4 percent of the products. The Software Group will become the owner of Aktien in Milliardenhöhe zurückkaufen and the creation of a German higher dividend.

At Biontech (NASDAQ:) the news can no longer be a free Kursplus-freuen. The last well-launched Anteilsscheine slides with 0.4 percent ins Minus. The analysis house Jefferies has made a purchase recommendation for the previous impfstofreiber on an anti-body BNT327, which allows for a massive Umsatztreiber. Expert analyst Akash Tewari has investigated the results of Summit Therapeutics with an illuminating analysis of Krebs. Biontech has adopted its best Barmittel, a parallel other active ingredient candidate. Last week the Biontech title had been thoroughly rumoured of higher recommendations for new impfstoffe der Mainzer more profitable.