
Deutsche Aktien mit Gewinnen for erwarteter Zinssenkung in USA

Deutsche Aktien mit Gewinnen for erwarteter Zinssenkung in USA

On the German Aktienmarkt it is possible that the service is supported in a different way. It seems that the American nut bank Fed has made a big profit in the Middle East by the American nut bank Fed.

Der Dax schloss 0.50 Prozent im Plus at 18,726.08 Punkten. Zwischenzeitlich hatte der Leitindex de höchsten Stand seit dem Rekordhoch zu Anfang des Monats erreicht. This was quickly sold in an unlimited Reichsweite quantity of 19,000 pieces. The MDax of the medium-sized Börsentitle wake with 1.45 Prozent auf 25,781.19 Zähler noch stärker an as der Dax.

Fed-Zinsentscheid in Focus

“The Fed’s Leitzinsen of 0.25 or 0.50 percentage points is one of the biggest markets,” writes Mark Haefele, chief investor at Grossbank UBS. This group is watching investors’ reaction to the separation of note banks with concern.

Market analyst Konstantin Oldenburger of Handelshaus CMC Markets says that it is good to let the Leitzinsen and the US Treasuries yield. In most cases, a larger share of the stock markets is taken up by a large panic economy and the outstanding shares, while the Fed now continues to work. There is a problem and the chance of a “weiche land” of the US economy has increased.

Online retailer HelloFresh, Zalando and Delivery Hero are joining forces

With a look at the title, a wrong forecast is made by the British Baumarktkette Kingfisher for a good mood in the European consumer sector. On the German market, online traders with HelloFresh, Zalando and Delivery Hero with a reach of 5.3 and 7.8 percent of the winner.

Rest over a Kreise-Bericht to Ukraine-Krieg grim under Pressure. One of the Ukrainian works has begun, while the fight against the Russian invasion began, reported the newsagent of Bloomberg under the commotion with the trusted persons. In the western part of the Hauptstädten the Besorgnis auslöst, that the art of living can facilitate, that the Kiev a vortex Waffenstillstand is gezwungen wird. So the paper of Rheinmetall sinks to 6.8 percent and it was clear that it was light in Dax. Ben MDax-Ende filen Hensoldt at 7.3 Perzent.

EuroStoxx 50 for an amount of 0.69 Percent

One of the Nebenwerteindex-SDaxes is one of the best products for Süss Microtec that has received a new Kaufempfehlung from Investment Bank Jefferies. In the Zulieferkette of Nvidia and the theme Künstliche Intelligenz of the Halbleiter-Ausrüster in Europa a singular Stellung one, wrote analyst in Olivia Honychurch.

The Leitindex of the Euregio, of the EuroStoxx 50, is a value of 0.69 Prozent on 4,860.78 Zähler. The Länderbörsen in Zurich and London lay jewels and were deutlich zu. In New York weedrum of the Dow Jones Industrial zum europäischen Börsenschluss 0.3 Prozent.

The Euro steeg. The Europäische Zentralbank set the Referenzkurs at 1.1139 (month: 1.1126) US-Dollar fest. The dollar cost 0.8977 (0.8987) euro. Am deutschen Rentenmarkt explains the Anleihenkurse zu. Der Rentenindex Rex receives 0.31 Prozent auf 127.60 Punkte. The umlaufrendite field entsprechend von 2.14 Prozent am Montag auf 2.10 Prozent. Der Bund-Future büßte 0.19 Prozent auf 134.78 Punkte ein.