
So no attention for Trump’s attention

So no attention for Trump’s attention

Map shows Versteck:So nah kam der mutmasliche Attentäter Trump

While it takes so long for Mann to visit Donald Trump, a great Golfplatz has appeared. Our map says the ex-president is not there.

Show of attention against Trump

If one of the main areas of focus for Donald Trump is a surprise party. Trump has the power of the rhetoric competitor Harris for the Vorfall-mitveranwortlich.17.09.2024 | 1:59 min

“Plötzlich hörten wir Schüsse in der Luft. Ich schätze, es were wahrscheinlich four oder fun,” said ex-US President Donald Trump informed of an online version of the Kurznachrichtendienst X.

The Secret Service was so happy that the Kugeln were there and that they were packing. (…) We climb into the golf carts and quickly get away.

Donald Trump, an even worse American president

These were Trump’s first run-ins with the Vorfall vom Sonntag. At the Club in West Palm Beach, Florida, Trump and his real estate investor and partner Steve Witkoff played at the Vortag Golf, as a Secret Service personal protective officer fired a busload of golf courses on the golf courses.

The secret service has engaged in gunfights

Opening officers after police appearances sucked the fire. There are now no hundreds of yards of Trump giving a surprising opinion about Schuss ab. There is no clear view of the former president. Mann identified as Ryan R. at a car and word short time space about 45 minutes north on a Martin County highway party.

The map says Trump's attention on the Golf Course is not great

The ZDFheute-Karte said that the Suspect on the Golfplatz had a Trump heroic moment. Der Mann has conducted an FBI investigation into the problem with a semi-automatic company of the SKS type on the bus at 6. Loch gewartet. Zwischen ihm en Trump auf seinem Weg zum 5. Loch des Golfplatzes sollen kaum 350 Meter Luftlinie haben. Anschließend wäre der Ex-Präsident weiter zum 6. Loch zuck – und damit in unmittelbare Nähe des Bewaffneten.

It is incomprehensible that Trump is busy with golfing with the latest truth. The golf course is a large, offensive Gelände. Underneath there is a relational ease of achievement – only a Hecke with a Zaun turns the connection from an open road.

Attack on Trump allowed

:Wash the mutmaßlichen carefully

After drawing attention to former US President Trump, the ex-US President has made a new attempt to tell a truth in July. War ist der Verdächtige?

Ryan W. Routh, an American businessman in the Mordans in Florida, on the Republican presidential candidates and the evil US President Donald Trump

Trump has established Wahlkampf’s fortress and accused Biden and Harris

Two days after the verdicts, Trump has launched a Wahlkampf as a Republican presidential candidate. The 78-year-olds are leading a service of the Federal State of Michigan to hang the service.

US-Wahlkampf: Ton wird schärfer

We can’t help but criticize American presidential candidate Donald Trump for his tone in Wahlkampf.17.09.2024 | 1:59 min

The real Angriff has found an explosive US-Wahlkampf for new Zündstoff. Trump war fisherman democratic opponent Kamala Harris sees Deputy Joe Biden in the Monday, with his rhetoric becoming Gewalt in his position.

Erroneous discussions are a secret service

After the fragments were removed last time, the Suspect was unhindered in the opinion of the ex-presidents who could. Republican congresswoman Elise Stefanik said:

If we want to send a message, it is an attention that President Trump has not given.

Elise Stefanik, Republican Congress Secretary

They said that “a German Erklärung-dafür, in Florida was a passion”.

A woman received a copy of the British newspaper

We paid attention to Donald Trump in July, a man in public life. When the secret service was fragmented, the fight was not hindered.15.07.2024 | 1:37 min

President Biden said on Monday that the Secret Service should begin. US Attorney General Merrick Garland has taken responsibility for “all available resources” for the assignments of the Anschlagsversuch.

Source: ZDF, Reuters, dpa