
ANALYSIS FLASH: Baader Bank Launches Hornbach Holding With ‘Add’ – Ziel 95 Euro

ANALYSIS FLASH: Baader Bank Launches Hornbach Holding With ‘Add’ – Ziel 95 Euro

MUNICH (dpa-AFX Broker) – The Baader Bank has listed Hornbach Holding (HORNBACH) with “Add” and a price of 95 Euro. We are proud of the growing social dynamics in Germany and the Holding Society of the Building Market Chain in Geschäftsjahr 2024/25 who wrote about the Wachstumspfad zurückkehren, wrote Analyst Volker Bosse in one of his previous studies. Hornbach is solidly financed. The headquarters for the group’s international business operations and the networked retail outlet, an undisputed connection to the offline and online business channels./la/jha/

Veröffentlichung der Original-Studie: 17.09.2024 / 16:18 / CEST

Erstmalige Weitergabe der Original-Studie: Datum in Studie nicht angegeben / Uhrzeit in Studie nicht angegeben / CEST


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Ausgewählte Hebelprodukte auf HORNBACH

With knockouts a speculative attack can partizipate an overproportionate and course movements. Choose one of the desired levers and with the right Ihnen-suitable open-end products on HORNBACH
