
Neuausrichtung bei Meyer Burger: Stellenabbau und CEO-Wechsel – Aktie tiefrot | 18.09.24

Neuausrichtung bei Meyer Burger: Stellenabbau und CEO-Wechsel – Aktie tiefrot | 18.09.24

The old Swiss Solar Company Meyer Burger has looked at a new savings program with its free time.

The Firmenchef loses the Firm. There will be more and more changes in job losses.

With the previous umbau program, the man will start working on his profitability, including his business needs. Meyer Burger Technology is aiming for an amount of 350 to 400 Million Swiss Francs (425 Mio Euro) in the year 2026 and a number of employees will contribute to Swiss Millions.

The forecasts are based on the previous production and long-awaited results with great knowledge, this is still the case. The production companies in Thalheim (Germany) and Goodyear (USA) offer the technological feasibility in Hohenstein-Ernstthal (Germany) will remain. Meyer Burger had first for the production in Germany, it is a fact that it is a good alternative for the American market.

With the plants “Verschlankung” of the joint structure hehe with a massor Stellenbosch anyway. Die Zahl der weltweit Beschäftigten soll um 200 auf 850 bis Ende 2025 sink. Dabei soll der Abbau überproportional in Deutschland erolgen. In the USA, a new production of the Mitarbeiterzahl is being carried out, a complete production capacity in a newly built Work in Goodyear can be achieved.

Verwaltungsratschef übernimmt Vorstandsvorsitz

This is because of a chef. Company chief Gunter Erfurt goes for sofort. In a certain period the Verwaltungsrat aber weiterhin beratend zur Seite stehen.

Administrative Council President Franz Richter has now taken over the operative leadership. Er has been on the Verwaltungsraad of the Society since 2015 and has been President since 2021. Zuletzt served as Chef at SÜSS MicroTec SE-tätig.

Auch Finanzchef Markus Nikles has the Unternehmen-verlassen. There will be a return at the end of September. The Verantwortung voor de Bereich Finanzen und Controlling-übernehmen can use Ralf Hermkens in the USA and Frank Zimmermann in Europe. Both are suitable for Meyer Burger-tätig.

The nun on three Mitglieder reduced Geschäftsleitung soll zunächst auf de schnelle “Wiedererreichung der Profitabilität konzentrieren”, hieß es. For the Tagesgeschäft, the sister of Manager Daniel Menzel is the leader of the Verkaufs who will start.

Verkauf von Technology geprüft

As we continue to generate new solutions, Meyer Burger will use the technology and equipment of a strategic knowledge in the achievements of solar energy recovery and modular technology, this goes further.

The company will increase the company’s liquidity by retrofitting the solar modules with the best possible solutions that go together with the Veräußerung of other vermögensgegen standards that will be developed. If the financial consequences of the financing have not yet been resolved, this can no longer happen.

For the Meyer Burger Action it is one of the SIX duration X percentages up to X CHF below.

THUN (dpa-AFX)