
The SCHRAMM group has had great success

The SCHRAMM group has had great success

Brunsbüttel The home-grown education fair will take place from 10. October from 14:00 to 18:30 at Brunsbüttel Ports in Elbehafen statt. If you are young, you can get the chance to go shopping and explore the maritime sector, as it expands and spreads your information about the different careers.

The employees and students of the SCHRAMMgroup – from the companies Brunsbüttel Ports and H. Schramm Towage – will present at their own training fair a total of 13 unique training and study opportunities in the maritime sector. The River Loft Hotel, which belongs to the company group, is also a training company. It is therefore likely that the information about the incomplete research and study collision of the company group is about the information. You can start the conversation directly with the image and picture material and put an initial end to the workday. A private station can be expanded with the maritime equipment, so that the theory can be implemented directly. Another highlight is that you can see in those years how the plant harbor runways in the Elbe harbor with crane inspections are, while the exciting exciting things take place in the Hafenwelt. At the Küstenrad exhibition stand there is information about the attractive bicycle leasing offers of the company group. Weitering is a big publication with toll prices.

“Our Messe is light in nature, one of the other ways in which you can view your photos, lectures and azubis is intended for your own knowledge of the subject. While the people from Austausch have their own image of the excavation and the Arbeitsatmosphäre machen and separated, there is an Ausbildung at a voorstellenkönnen”, says Frank Schnabel, Managing Director of Brunsbüttel Ports GmbH / SCHRAMM group. For the convenience of Wohl, there is a reliable Food Truck John’s Burger with free Pommes and Burgers. The idiosyncratic Ausbildungsmesse can be organized by Azubis for eleven years for future Azubis organizers. “There will be many stories of people happening to themselves and their own responsible business without nachwuchskräfte. While the Messe organization is no longer a teammate, but a man who carries out, plans and follows through on projects,” says Personal Manager Jan Lutz.

The Veranstaltung is the way in which the years in the region etabliert take place. “It is a fact that the circumstance is an unternehmen, while the zukünftige Auszubildende in such an insulting Rahmen mit the Verantwortlichen inspräch kommen kommen” has Schnabel Hervor.

An application for the Veranstaltung is required. The following link may be interesting for a specific time slot: