
So the Jugendanlaufstelle in Bregenz joins the Jugendlichen an – Bregenz

So the Jugendanlaufstelle in Bregenz joins the Jugendlichen an – Bregenz

The fork hat is a new meeting point for the youth. Think of the Beratung and the Workshops that have taken place. VOL.AT hat bei der Eröffnung nachfragt, wie das bei Jugendlichen aankommt.

After a long apprenticeship in the Mariahilfstraße 67 in Bregenz, the new Leben is ein. Das JUB (Jugend Bregenz) has been sucked in. The Youth Service of the city and the Youth Information Centre have brought together his sister, a young Bregenzern with Rat and Tat zur Seite zu stehen.

Julia Stoppel from Jugendservice der Landeshauptstadt.

Beratung, Workshops and Events for Jugendliche

Jugendliche sollen Informationen on Themen bekommen, die beschäftigen, wie Julia Stoppel vom Jugendservice meint. There are also various changes and exciting workshops here. Young people can get acquainted with other experiences and knowledge – with the experience and Virtual Reality with glasses or more of a few contacts. “Wir haben über den summer, Kooperationen zu procuren”, explains Stoppel. Zum Schulstart would be the JUB opening net.

Sarah kam zur Eröffnung des JUB.

“For a lifetime I was happy to eat”

Sarah (16) has taken charge of the work in JUB’s “Lebensraum Bregenz”. “Das ist sehr toll”, meint sie zum neuen Angebot. “That’s it was Gutes.” After the Workshops and Beratungen würde in Anspruchenhmen: “For a year now I was able to get the best results. I have learned the school and it was completely informative”, you give your opinion.

Video: So that JUB comes to Jugendlichen an

Louis’s War at the Eröffnung itself in Einsatz.

“Here you can live comfortably”

Louis (16) war during the war itself and a stand in Einsatz. “It’s a good idea for youth, programs and 3D prints that you can use”, but it’s great. “There is no 3D printer and someone else can work here.” The experience of the JUB is found “super”. It was a good thing that it went like this and it was like this.

Konstantin weiß das Angebot zu schätzen.

“What is so much value”

Konstantin (23) meint gegenüber VOL.AT: “So there was a lot and so was sollte man auch schätzen.” It’s a toll, that’s Angebote’s solution in Bregenz. There are young teenagers who are the leaders of their fun, meint er. The Angebote is not yet interesting: “That is my job.” The Workshops and Beratungen are one of the best ideas: “It was not that, a herauszufinden, was an interesting one.”

Philipp came to the school at JUB.

“That’s very cool”

Philipp (14) is now at the school and will be ready to open his door. “I have lived with it and thought: That is very cool”, it is clear that VOL.AT. There is a new meeting place for youth in childhood, there is a young talent – ​​ultimately there is a new friend – to be found.

Leyla wared with friends at the opening.

“That creates a lot of tension”

“It’s always good,” says Leyla (14) after a new Angebot des JUB. You can enjoy free coffee and mocktails of Amazon varieties with your friends. Also, the status of the different cooperation partners is clear: “The Sachen da drin, das Kracht sehr fell Spaß”, erklärt die Schülerin. The Beratungen and Workshops find a toll and work as best as possible.