
Neuer epigeneticser Schalter entdeckt

Neuer epigeneticser Schalter entdeckt

5-Formylcytosine is an active ingredient in the functioning of Wirbeltieren

A DNA modification with the Bezeichnung 5-Formylcytosin (5fC) functions as an epigenetic Schalter, the gene in the embryonic active Entwicklung. These ergebnis kommen Forschungen der Arbeitsgruppe von Prof. Dr. Christof Niehrs at the Institute for Molecular Biology (IMB) in Mainz. Since it used to be that way, the thread could be used more as an art of epigenetic DNA marking. This Ergebnis has been given a new light, which became regular in the frühesten Stadion der Entwicklung. Die Arbeiten wurden in der renommierten Fachzeitschrift Cell published.

5fC is the first to undergo novel DNA modification, with methylcytosine

One of the best ways to collect billions from Zellen is that all coexistence brings a functioning organism into view. If you think that people have one of the few fertilized Eizelle, der Zygote. There are a few people who need to know that they develop and use the right organ and the right sets. When the device is connected to the power source, the right time is determined and the right action is performed. The active or active functioning of the device can be controlled by epigenetic changes. Because it is a functional group with the DNA, the generation and the outside service acts with a light switch.

Science has grown over the years, the Wirbeltiere is now a type of epigenetic modification of DNA, its functioning with the Silencing of Genes and as Cytosin-Methylation-protective world. Before they can make more changes to the Wirbeltier DNA years later. If we now have a few small mixtures, things are not so simple anymore, but it is a functional epigenetic market trade.

Prof. Dr. Christof Niehrs and his team have now made a few adjustments with the first generation of Eleftheria Parasyraki, in which 5-Formylcytosine, one of the activities of the Genes in the Betwicklungsstadion, is used. This development can have a type of epigenetic DNA marking effect, and the light will be light if there is an uncontrolled mechanism of epigenetic generation regulation. “These results are a breakthrough in epigenetics. 5fC is the second epigenetic DNA modification along with methylcytosine”, so Niehrs, Founding Director and Scientific Director of the IMB, which was opened in 2011 on the Campus of the Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz (JGU).

The discovery, if 5fC is an active epigenetic regulator on the DNA, can induce fragments, and what happens and how Role is played – the frühe Genomaktivierung in a Zygote-hinaus. Special Krebszellen can perform more mixtures and 5fC. Research on 5-formylcytosine is notorious, one of these fragments is the savory. It is possible that one of the most likely ways is to unite us and how the generation regulation with the Krankheit technology is regulated.

The Institute for Molecular Biology

The Institute for Molecular Biology gGmbH (IMB) is a centre of excellence for life sciences on the campus of the Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz. The research at IMB is based on active genes: epigenetics, genome stability, RNA biology and proteostasis. This area was mainly researched in the context of alternative research. The IMB is a showpiece for the successful financing of a private foundation and efficient financing: the Boehringer Ingelheim Foundation (BIS) supports the financing of the IMB from 2009 to 2027 with an amount of 154 million euros. The modern research building is said to have been financed by the State of Rhineland-Palatinate with 50 million euros. From Autumn 2020 to Mid 2027, the country will spend 52 million euros on the financing of the IMB.