
ROUNDUP 3: Nächster Ampel-Streit droht

ROUNDUP 3: Nächster Ampel-Streit droht

(new: more details and background)

BERLIN (dpa-AFX) – In the Ampel coalition, the nächste Streit is drying up. The takeover of the SPD forces the introduction of the tariff binding to a destimulation. The newspapers of the Funke Mediengruppe will block the FDP-led Federal Finance Ministry at the beginning of the Verbandhörung. The Deutschen Presse-Agentur is said to have received the best government circles. While the Finance Ministry is so high, the Labor Ministry has had the opportunity to speak.

A spokesman for Labor Minister Hubertus Heil (SPD) said that the government’s internal leadership would remain in charge of some matters.

Who is the Regierungskreisen of the Begründung der Verzögerung, will show the Haus von Finanzminister Christian Lindner (FDP) the Entlastungen von Firmen von Bürokratie and other Stelle.

The Hauptgeschäftsführer of the Bundesvereinigung der Deutschen Arbeitgeberverbände, Steffen Kampeter, said of the Deutschen Presse-Agentur: “We will take over the direction, the plan for a rate at an öffentlichen Aufträgen finally use or praxisnah fortzuentwickeln.” The “maximum positions” of the ministries of justice are unemployed and wirtschaftsfeindlich.

Meer Arbeitnehmer sollen von Tarifverträgen make profit

Employees and professionals, who are in the Bundes-tätig, can generally use one of the rates of the Schutz – if they see the Pläne Heils vor. Im Gesetzentwurf heißt es: “Unternehmen sollen ihren Arbeitnehmerinnen and Arbeitnehmern künftig, wenn siöffentliche Aufträge and Konzessionen des Bundes ausführen, tariffvertragliche Arbeitsbedingungen gewähren müssen.” Heil hatte gesagt, Tarifverträge brought den Beschäftigten höhere Löhne als der Mindestlohn. The state has a formal function. It may be useful to invoke the Wettbewerb with “Billigheimern”.

SPD, Grüne and FDP will submit a tariff proposal in their coalition agreement in 2021. If the interest group is high, the federal government’s tariff binding will become one of the representative tariffs of the jewelry industry, which will use the word in a certain way.

SPD faction irritated

Katja Mast, the parliamentary representative of the SPD Bundestagsfraktion, is “irritating that it is a broader state of affairs by the FDP-führten Bundesfinanzministerium gibt”. There is a fair legal framework, and it is a good idea, after all for the external ones, “that my life will be organized and through Schmutzkonkurrenz kaum aine Chance auf öffentliche Aufträge haben.” It is a fragment of an economic enterprise, one of the Wirtschaftsstandort Deutschland is strong. Mast said himself überzeugt: “Das Tariftreuegesetz kommt.”

SPD parliamentary group leader Rolf Mützenich, after the SPD’s Wahlniedervallen in the Landtagswahlen in Saxony and Thuringia, established Ampel’s largest projects in September in the next interest rate package, the tariff system and the Kindergrundsicherung. All the money for the Kindergrundsicherung and the interest rate package is almost entirely within the FDP.

Criticism of Verdi

During Verdi’s service activities, Frank Werneke criticized the sale of tariffs and the severe consequences of the FDP. There is talk of the Funke-Zeitungen, the Prevention of wage dumping during a permanent improvement of the Tariff Binding is a central project of Ampel-Koalition favors of working women and workers. “If the FDP has made a long-term agreement with the tariffs that have certainly been damaged, the Ampel-Koalition will increase the damage and the political consequences”, Werneke warned.

In the context of the exits, one of the Finance Departments, Werneke is unclean. It is impossible to reach a compromise.

Kampeter said: “If Verdi has received the criticism of the FDP, then it is wrong.” A tariff is a man who does not work with Pregnancy, but with flexible rates, a social partner and a trustful income. “Verdi’s Ruf nach dem Staat ist hingeen an impression of employed Hilflosigkeit.”

FDP warns of bureaucracy

Carl-Julius Cronenberg, the mid-term political speaker of the FDP Bundestagsfraktion, said: “Das Tariftreuegesetz darf nicht zuzuätzlicher Bürokratie führen.” Die Grundsatz is in the Koalitionsvertrag vereinbart. “Leider is one of the best entrepreneurs who has not paid justice. It is a good check by the right Finance Ministry.”

Linke: SPD and FDP in Schranken Weisen

Left participant Janine Wissler said: “SPD and Grüne became from the neoliberal Erpressertruppe a Bandenchef Christian Lindner who was the previous one. Labor Minister Heil and der Kanzler müssen ended the Rückgratzeigen and the FDP in the Schranken Wissen. That is the Millionen Beschäftigten created, which formed Tariftreuegesetz profitable würden.