
Telekom Chief Höttges: Deutschland sollte more work

Telekom Chief Höttges: Deutschland sollte more work

Status: 18.09.2024 15:12

We can gain a better understanding of work-life balance on a job. Telekom CEO Tim Höttges prepares the day for more Ehrgeiz and Leidenschaft. Germany should work again more.

Deutschlands Unternehmer und Arbeitnehmer sollten aus Sicht des Telekom-Chefs Tim Höttges more work. In many other states, work was done more efficiently than here, said the manager at the Kölner Messe Digital “I am in the world, we are all more interested.”

More Ehrgeiz and more Willen gefordert

The Gesamtzeit der Stunden, the German work, is still going on, is now dying over the roads of the Zunahme von Teilzeit-Verträgen geschehen, so Höttges weiter. “If I live in China, in America or in Asia, and if I am in the hands of these economic nations, I could see that the legal environment causes fear and anxiety.”

The Telekom-Board can do more and more with his communication in the German economy and with every company and employee. “When all the answers have been processed, it is such that we can say that ‘Made in Germany’ is not good, and that it would be better – if you were, if in that country a movement could start.” Here you can help the Einsatz of Künstlicher Intelligenz (KI).

Gleichzeitig wies Hottges auch auf de Vorteile des Wirtschaftsstandorts Deutschland in globalen Wettbewerb hin. “We are looking for a stable democratic center of power in Europe.” Deutschland is the great Volkswirtschaft der Welt, which now has a product of the Weltbevölkerung.

Bürokratischer Ballast laut Höttges “uberborder”

Positive is that it is more like a drittel of the Universitätsabschlüsse in the sogenannten MINT-Fächern erworben würden, also Mathematik, Informatik, Naturwissenschaft and Technik. Der Europa-Schnitt is now located at a Viertel. “Wir has enormous technological expertise in Germany.”

However, the Federal Republic must pass, in the global legislative battle not to be entered into a hindrance. So the largest amount of American investments in Germany is a “large-scale” process. Take into account the costs for energy and transport. The bureaucratic ballast is “overborded”, with digitalization, people no longer come into their own. “Auf Dauer can not offer Wohlstand, if the production of labor, capital and raw materials does not go well.”

If you appeal to a productive and innovative company, the manager sees his own employees with one of the following words: “All things that the Telekom unites, that Telekom, that, that also, and that of the State that carry out their activities, are all walking activities.” Man müsse Leidenschaft said and Biss haben. Digital X is a representative of the Deutschen Telekom, which will do everything with firms in its communication.

Viele Gesamt-Arbeitstunden, eher niedrige Zahl im Schnitt

Research into German research over the years by the conjunkturflaute, so that the equipment is no different. The last Beschäftigten came in 2023 with a total of around 55 billion hours of work, who my Frühjahr is with one of the Deutschen Instituts für Wirtschaftsforschung (DIW) busy. It is the highest level of reunification.

“The overall labor volume is always increasing, we will always have more employees,” says study author Mattis Beckmannshagen. “Everything is fast: half of the women in Germany are expected to work more often.” The potential for the labor market is also important. The amount of the time quote is relatively low due to the assessment time of 34.7 weeks.

Gerade of the generation Z – also human with the years 1995 and 2010 – could appear in the future of the previous generation, deutsch more Wert on the work-life balance. Many people think that it is a flexible arbitrage model. In a study by the University of Mainz in the year 2022 you have 77 results in examining the main criticism of the labor market, a balanced work-life balance.