
Nahezu die Half der Beschäftigten in Deutschland wollen weniger work

Nahezu die Half der Beschäftigten in Deutschland wollen weniger work

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Multi-million jobs in Germany are a holiday – for all experts they are fragmented. Parallel to a message, there was a reduction in the Arbeitszeit-bevorzugen würden.

In health care and credit policy, in sales or childcare – in these sectors a number of job seekers could rely on a message about the progress of the work Institutes of German Economics (IW) Rev. You can demographically walk through the labor conditions and the individual movements of people on a roll. It is active Xing Labor Market Report 2024 said, whoever does Arbeitnehmer with his morals and work-life balance.

Working hours in Germany: Working hours are few and far between

A woman is working.
A current report said that workers in Germany were not allowed to work. © Johner Images/Imago

German workers have a weekly working period of 34.4 hours in the year 2023. That lies under the European Durchnitt (36.9 Stunden), informed about Federal Statistical Office (Destatis). We have left a number of things that the Couples of the Battle attacked – it is clear that 58 Prozent der befragten Arbeitnehmer nicht niet, more zu beiten, um “dem drhenden wirtschaftlichen Abschwung entgegenzuwirken”, informiert Xen in a press release.

In addition to the baby boomer and generation X, it will take longer in the labor market, find more money (63 percent), it is not that it takes longer. The millennials (55 percent) and generation Z (53 percent) see it differently – everything could be different. While 53 percent of generation Z and 50 percent of millennials have been busy for a while, it is becoming increasingly difficult. Generation-mountain-reaching half of the respondents (49 percent) can work less.

Here is a clear example of the generations: as the baby boomer goes through the generations, the part of the generation that is generally known for a certain time of the labor market, as the young years a German dream are wusster. If you do theoretical research, if you have the idea that it is so, then you can no longer do it yourself.

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Over the Xing Labor Market Report 2024

The Career Report Xen which is the Arbeitsmarkt report at the Marktforschungsinstitut Appinio in Auftrag. Befragt wurden insgesamt 3,500 Angestellte im Alter between 18 and 65 years. There were 2,000 Angestellte from Deutschland, 1,000 from Austria and 500 from German Switzerland. That date happened in July 2024.

A study by the health insurance fund Pronova BKK said that the Arbeitnehmer in the Urlaub was never out of reach. Beef 43 Prozent fühlen sich schlecht erholt.

Research in women and men can in many cases change the study – a group can be an inappropriate workload in a reckless work. In the course of time women spend 30 hours per week with unpaid work – as an example childcare and home care – men completely 21 hours.

When it comes to work, additional support can be achieved

With the Work-Life-Balance of 52 percent of debt, more men (55 percent) than women (49 percent) – it may be that debt is one of the best proposals, more time to work. That can be another benefit, who Xen informed:

  • Bonus deals and prizes: 48 Prozent
  • Higher Gehalt (anteilig der Stündenzahl): 40 Prozent
  • Zusätzliche Urlaubstage: 40 Prozent
  • Steuerliche Anreize: 33 Prozent

Renting in professional practice sees work as a source of problems and stress (36 percent), poor flexibility in working hours (35 percent) and less time for freedom and hobbies (35 percent).

“These errors say that the company in Germany is less, your private life in your job is no longer so important, the condition is stimulated,” said Thomas Kindler, CEO of Xing, in a press conference. If you want to look at all the things in the light, you can appeal to the torch mangle: ‘An attractive offer and an Arbeitszeit model with more flexibility will be possible on the independence of onternehmen. Here is a thought that is fragmented – and what will happen tomorrow.“