
Am Freitag (20.9.) destroys the Deutsche Bahn jobs in Magdeburg

Am Freitag (20.9.) destroys the Deutsche Bahn jobs in Magdeburg

The Deutsche Bahn lasts on Freitag (20.9.) zum Jobexpress nach Magdeburg ein. Mit Führungen, Infos zu Berufen, Besuch der Eisenbahntrainingsanlage and nor more.

Magdeburg – Die Far karting, bitte! The last day of the German Railroad lasts to the day of the ship on the Freitag (20.9.) in Richtung Karriere.

The halts of the well-known “Jobexpress” event at the Magdeburg main station and the buildings of DB InfraGo AG in Maybachstraße 26.

From 10am to 6pm gibt’s Infos about Jobs and DB Projects. There are several changes in interesting views behind the cables of the railway.

Really cool: Zur Besichtigung der Eisenbahntrainingsanlage entdeckt Ihr die Welt der Zugverkehrssteuerer (m/w/d) hautnah.

View all event details.

Deutsche Bahn begeistert am Freitag (20.9.) with Jobexpress in Magdeburg

Zum Jobexpress am Freitag (20.9.) provides all information about (Quer-)Einstieg at the Deutschen Bahn in Magdeburg.

Zum Jobexpress am Freitag (20.9.) provides all information about (Quer-)Einstieg at the Deutschen Bahn in Magdeburg. © Deutsche Bahn AG

Einsteigen en hinter die Kulissen schauen: Das ist anlässlich de deutschlandweiten Tag der Schiene vom 20. bis 22. September bei de Deutschen Bahn möglich.

Another states that he is a great worker in the branch and job express Friday (20.9.) from 10am to 6pm a two towns in Magdeburg etwas genauer vor.

Enjoy an exciting program directly at the Hauptbahnhof Magdeburg.

At Gleis 9 you will get to know the excitement for skilled workers, students, female students, curious or academic professionals.

Immediately after sending messages from DB-Maatschappij, one of the messages was brought to attention and an interesting event in the Arbeitsalltag.

The highlights at the Hauptbahnhof:

  • Guarding the Führerstands and regional measures
  • Information about Job as Lokführer and Kundenbetreuer (all m/w/d)
  • Information about Berufen in der Fahrzeug-Instandhaltung
  • Description of a locomotive
  • exclusive station guide

Well done: If there is a question before you can do your work, you will not know when it is all over.

Additional exciting tasks are attractive Benefits and a great team at Deutsche Bahn auf Euch.

Additional exciting tasks are attractive Benefits and a great team at Deutsche Bahn auf Euch. © Deutsche Bahn AG

Finally, the railway line at Maybachstraße 26 (now 10 minutes from Hbf) will be interesting to see.

View messages here: Mitarbeitende aus der DB-Sicherheit, Ingenieure, Ingenieurinnen and of others Beufen über Ihren Alltag bij de Bahn.

No messages and information about the Jobexpress are of course still a little longer.

The highlights in Maybachstraße 26:

  • View of the Eisenbahntraininganlage
  • exciting Einblicke in the DB-Bauprojekte
  • Info about Job as a Business Manager (m/w/d)
  • Information about vacancies in DB-Sicherheit

Good to know: The Recruiting Stations at the main station and in Maybachstraße 26 are equipped with a system and the Abläufen at the Bahn.

Here you can log in with just a few clicks.

Enjoy your ride, enjoy your experience on both the German Railways.

This Jobs went over to DB Magdeburg

A secure job on the German Railroad: As a security guard (m/w/d) at the Hauptbahnhof Magdeburg.

A secure job on the German Railroad: As a security guard (m/w/d) at the Hauptbahnhof Magdeburg. © Deutsche Bahn AG

With the utmost care for safety: The Deutsche Bahn may have a number of jobs in over 500 locations.

Welcome to your stay in Magdeburg, enjoy your Job Express Friday (20.9.). You can help other people with the free education and the jobs for fachkräfte, studies or questions.

Berufe im Quereinstieg (all m/w/d):

  • Decoy leader
  • Transport guides
  • After-sales customer service

Direct establishment as a professional (all m/f/d):

  • Electronics
  • Mechatronics
  • Switzerland
  • Craftsmen in the construction sector

Ausbildungsberufe (all m/w/d):

  • gewerblich-technische Berufe (z. B. Elektroniker)
  • Verkehrsberufe (z. B. Lokführer)
  • kaufmännisch-serviceorientierte Berufe (z. B. Kaufmann für Verkehrsservice)

Academic Professions (all m/f/d):

  • Project engineer
  • Construction project manager

Zum Jobexpress anmelden könnt Ihr Euch until Thursday (19.9.) about the DB Online form.

We wish you lots of fun! 🙂

The event at a glance

An Gleis 9 im Hauptbahnhof Magdeburg und in der Maybachstraße 26 empfängt Euch die Deutsche Bahn am Freitag (20.9.) zum Jobexpress.

An Gleis 9 im Hauptbahnhof Magdeburg und in der Maybachstraße 26 empfängt Euch die Deutsche Bahn am Freitag (20.9.) zum Jobexpress. © Deutsche Bahn AG

“Jobexpress – Dein Einstieg bij der Deutschen Bahn”

Friday, Friday (20.9.) 2024
from 10am to 6pm

Position 1:
Hauptbahnhof Magdeburg an Gleis 9
Bahnhofstr. 69
39104 Magdeburg

Position 2:
Building of DB InfraGo AG
Maybachstraat 26
39104 Magdeburg (now 10 Minuten zu Fuß vom Hbf)

Here bis Donnerstag (19.9.) registered.

Would you like to learn more about the job and career opportunities on the German Railroad? Entdeck here the DB-Berufswelt.