
So save the Biberacher Feuerwehr das Museum

So save the Biberacher Feuerwehr das Museum

I am Museum Biberach Brennt’s. Das Treppenhaus is verraucht. Hundreds of people are looking at bracting Gebäude hinauf. “Der Notruf wurde abgesetzt, die Feuerwehr must be seen here,” said Museum leader Frank Brunecker. A tatsächlich, um Punkt 20:15 Uhr, since the Siren can be heard and a Großaufgebot der Freiwilligen Feuerwehr Biberach biegt with the great Drehliter um the Ecke. A horror film for the Biberacher Innenstadt, which is more glücklicher and which Abend is now aware of.

View the 175-year-old best of the Freiwilligen Feuerwehr Biberach and the dazugehörigen Sonderausstellung in Museum hatten sich Museum leader Frank Brunecker and the Biberacher Feuerwehrkommandant Florian Retsch yet another special highlight: a nocturnal Löschübung for in the Innenstadt. Hundreds of Zuschauerinnen and Zuschauer have come, and they are watching the spectacle live.

Museumleiter hofft, so that was not passiont

Who is big city fire, is in the year 1516 in Biberach honorary, “burning” is a service party in the Altenhospitale in the Museumstraße. Who the Feuerwehr for Ort ist and who the man and the woman of the Biberacher Wehr on a serious autumn will see, will be a diesem einderucksvoll. While we sit with Handgriff, the Mannschaft is a eingesplayed team and how the “Feuer” is, is a control. In a big angel is the Löschangriff the Löschzug – made up of 23 Feuerwehr women and men – with high-pitched whistles and air protection devices the fire entgegengetreten. And finally it got applause from the public.

A larger Löschangriff in Museum Biberach.

A larger Löschangriff in Museum Biberach. (Photo: Tanja Bosch)

Frank Brunecker was concerned about the Einsatz experience with one of the many things he would have to do, because “his Museum” would have to receive a next assignment. “It is very grusely and comically, that is what it means,” said the Museumsleiter. “So it was possible that all nemals were there. All in the Vorstellung an zo einen Fire Power mir Gänsehaut.” Beeindruckt ist aber dennoch von der Beit der Biberacher Feuerwehr: “If that man and woman were happy, they deserve my highest respect and I am happy, that we have such Mannschaft in Biberach. “

Because of the seriousness of the military service, it is always important for us,” said military commander Florian Retsch. “It may actually be that you have larger quantities in still, but there has never been a noticeable change over time. It’s a new life, that’s what machenkonnten is here in the inner city, one of the largest in the city of the guards. “Auf seine Mannschaft is een stollz, die speckuläre Übung mit Bravour gemeistert hat.

Sonderausstellung is neither on October 13th

About 300 devices and devices that can use a spa at this spectacle-einsatz and kamen completely at your expense. So it is not the case that the man is alone with the Fire Brigade during his Einsätzen. Your Handgriff was carefully examined before the Publikum – and of course, having become one or another Zuschauer and diesem Abend auch bisschen nass, denn am Wasser wurde bei het “Brand” nicht sppart.

Wer sich die Sonderausstellung im Museum Biberach zu “175 Jahre Freiwillige Feuerwehr Biberach” cannot be more than October 13th. It is a great Mitmach-Ausstellung for the whole family, the Fire Defense Forces of the Anfängen bis in the Gegenwart beleuchtet. More information can be found online at: