
Start of the new DEL season: Fischtown Penguins start with a luxury problem

Start of the new DEL season: Fischtown Penguins start with a luxury problem

Status: 18.09.2024 18:16

In the Champions League seasons, the Penguins are busy with their victories. Now the team will trust in the DEL. Coach Sulzer continues with his re-examination.

Gerade a 27th time that the Fischtown Pinguins in Saturday are used, one of the French Meister Rouen Dragons is the first Puck in the Tornetz of the safety. One of the lunges starts with my four Champions League game as the Pinguins fans start the Freitag die DEL-Saison begins.

52 Play this team in the League for the Brust. Zum Auftakt kommen am Freitagabend de Grizzlies Wolfsburg in the Eisarena Bremerhaven. Not with dabei is the Canadian Angreifer Colt Conrad. One of Rayan Bettahar’s players who encountered Wolfsburg, reported Trainer Alexander Sulzer in Mittwoch.

Sulzer has a luxury problem Tower position

I am embarrassed by Conrad and Bettahar ist der Rest des Kaders einsatzbereit. Trainer Sulzer is proud to have a position in the headlines: The goalies Kristers Gudlevskis and Maximilian Franzreb are both of high quality and are in good hands.

Kristers Gudlevski’s hut is not the Tor der Penguins, but one of the Latvian Nationalmannschaft.

If you use DEL-Start, you will no longer have any number in hives that are woolen. “We have two very good Torhüter, which are on Top-DEL-Niveau. That is a luxury on a page, but always a smooth entry on the side,” Sulzer stated. The four championship matches of the Champions League will see the seasons between Gudlevski and Franzreb.

Maximilian Franzreb was at peace with the konkurrenzkampf.

Der Lette Gudlevskis parierte in de zurückliegenden Saison überragend, will undergo the Auszeichnung “DEL-Torwart des Jahres 2024”. The German Nationaltorwart Franzreb ended up in a schweren Schulterverletzung, first at the end of the Saison zurück ins Team. So he is now ready to start in the new game in Germany’s high Eishockey-Spielklasse and the Zweikampf with Gudlevskis: “I must always be at my place in Tor kämpfen, ich weiß, worauf es ankommt.”

Man muss jedes Training Feuer geben!

(Maximilian Franzreb, Torwart Fischtown Penguins)

Sulzer wird all Voraussicht nach von Spiel zu Spiel entscheiden, was de Tor der Penguins hüten dare.

New Herrmann has no deep stacking

Nothing with the qualitative signal Torhüter is sulzer unfrieden, the gesamte Kader stimmt in glee. In total, six new players have made the Penguins into a game in the summer. “The Mannschaft is a festiged enterprise of the interior and the power that the Neuzugängen are, if they are integrated,” said Sulzer.

One of the Neues is Fabian Herrmann. The Stürmer, from the 2. Liga of Bad Nauheim, zum Vizemeister is gewechselt, fühlt sich aufgenommen in Team and attracts the family Stimmung innerhalb of the Vereins.

It is Hermann’s first season in the DEL. “Ich freue mich unglaublich”, said at the age of 22. The Erwartungshaltung der Pinguins-Fans is black, dennoch mache sich the Mannschaft internal small Druck. Trotzdem mage der Stürmer nicht tiefbelangen: “The Underdog-Rolle that Fischtown has ableged in recent years.”

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Sportblitz, September 18, 2024, 6:06 PM