
First update “Planetary Health Check” released

First update “Planetary Health Check” released

Multimorbid, so man menschen, die a more disease egalichzeitig suffer. A much greater appeal is on the Dafürhalten perhaps a question of wisdom on our planet. Patient Earth is getting worse. It is never new that the catastrophes of the climate researcher are a flanker of ecological reports on Art. Now that the examination of patients has begun, an appeal is made: I am “Planetary Health Check” and the result of the first general check-ups is that Heimatplaneten this month in a 97-page English report read.

It is the first time that you perform more checks. The planetary description will now be a big job and will be published. This is an international group of scientists with the Swiss Earth system researcher Johan Rockström and the Spitze. The preisträger of the Tyler Prizes – the “Umweltnobelpreises” – is a Time Director of the Potsdam Institutes for Climate Change Research (PIK) and war to unite other years separated and the first check of the separated “planetary Load Boundaries”. As a namesake for the Autorengruppe des Planeten-Check-ups there is a kind of new Wissenschaftsdisziplin representative: “Planetary Boundaries Science”. The starting point is that it can happen in holography before the years stabilize on the environment of the Earth. If man wants it, the Medical Mass for a healthy planet. During this legendary festival, when the borderless boundaries are crossed, the guide planks of the biologically executed trajectories are sprung.

The first health check-up of the planets in 97 days.
The first health check-up of the planets in 97 days.Planetary Health Check

What was now supposed to be sent, is to be seen as the big blood picture – plus whole body scans. An uninteresting message has emerged that has provided the planetary jewels with a safe operating space (of a “safe operating space”). One of the first results of the controls was that there were no more costs involved in the last years: the costs of new tax limits have not been exceeded. There is an operation outside the green ranges “and no longer the alarm position”, he is.

The long-term limit is exceeded by the well-being of organisms, which are “functional” and the “genetic” biodiversity. The nitrogen and phosphorus load capacity of the environment are better described by the human-powered climbing walk, while the radiation flow through the merging atmosphere and the carbon dioxide-oxygen in the atmosphere are relevant. The utilisation of land, lakes and sweet plants is eventually achieved beyond the scientifically defined load limits. If the oceanic austerity had already begun with the introduction of hydrocarbons in the future and for all skeletal images of more – and damn good system – improved, it is said in the message: The value stands on the chicken, the exceeding of the logically feasible limits is possibly promoted.

Johan Rockström, Director of the Postdam Institutes for Climate Change Research, PIK
Johan Rockström, Director of the Postdam Institutes for Climate Change Research, PIKStefan Boness

Remain completely two environmental values, the global seen still in standard range lie: the discharge of stratospheric ozone blast – including the “Ozone lochs” discovered four years ago – as well as the aerosol spray: partial and fine atmospheric loading. It is possible that the air load instruction has become one of the worldwide success formulas, for all technical advances for the air train stop is its recognition of the energy transition and not the air train stop standards in many federal states strengthened. Maintain the protection of the loads of the airspace of one of the new loads, the discharge is – and dies how long it lasts. While the air in the air and the airtight airtight air floats in the air, the atmosphere and the oceans so beautiful. The „climate quality“ is also deteriorating more quickly than otherwise.

Who urgently considers that the patient’s relationship is of the utmost importance, and that they are strong in the opinion of the Kolumbian Friedensnobelpreisträger and the Ex-President Juan Manuel Santos in the light of special circumstances re Zeit für eine Umkehr.“ It was one of the things that prevented the residual budget and carbon dioxide emissions. Since the Weltgemeinschaft has no right to the emissions, it is absent and the international representation of climate neutrality is erreichen, such as Johan Rockström, who facilitates the influx of the first Klimapuffer of the first year and the most important kipppunk with the global development of the next will make years disappear.

Mary Robinson, former president and chief commissioner of human rights, has followed the planetary general control of the aid of the indigenous groups. A role has been played in the Aufarbeiten von Umweltschäden and for the Schutz-ökologische intakter Lebensräume has become more deutlich in the passing years. Levke Caesar, one of the main authors of the “Planetary Health Check”, says: “The situation is clear: The environment will often be damaged locally, because the planets are affected by pressure and can be affected all over.” Lead the Planet, lead the People: The Organe des Planeten würden schwächer, warnte Caesar, seine Widerstandskraft nehme zunehmend ab.