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Question number

Type of questions

Section A

1 to 21

Objective questions with 1 point each Answer

Section B

22 to 29

Short answer questions, each worth 3 points. Answers to each question should be no longer than 60-80 words.

Section C

30 to 32

Long Answer Type Question, each worth 6 points. Answers to each question should be no longer than 300-350 words.

Section D

33 to 35

Source-based questions with four sub-questions (i-iv) and each worth 4 marks

Section E


Map based

HBSE Class 12 History Sample Paper 2024-25

Section A (Objective questions) 1×21=21

Question: 1. In which state is Rakhigarhi currently located?

(a) Rajasthan (b) Haryana (c) Uttar Pradesh (d) Gujarat

Question: 2. Who is the author of Arthashastra?

(a) Chandragupta Maurya (b) Kautilya (c) Kalhan (d)Banabhatta

Question: 3. Who is the author of the famous book Kitab-ul-Hind?

(a) Alberuni (b) Ibn Battuta (c) Bernier (d) Kautilya

Q: 4. Where is the Sanchi Stupa located now?

(a) Uttar Pradesh (b) Rajasthan (c) Madhya Pradesh (d) Chhattisgarh

Question: 5. On the banks of which river is the city of Hampi situated?

(a) kaveri (b) Tungabhadra (c) Krishna (d) Sutlej

Question: 6. When was the Fifth Report presented to the British Parliament?

(a) 1816 AD (b) 1815 AD (c) 1813 AD(d) 1826 AD

Question: 7. The General Services Recruitment Act was passed during the administration of which Governor-General?

(a) Lord Dalhousie (b) Lord Wellington (c) Lord Canning (d) Lord Linlithg

Question: 8. Who was the political guru of Mahatma Gandhi?

(a) Swami Vivekananda (b) Ravindra Nath Tagore (c) Vinoba Bhave (d) Gopal Krishna Gokhale

Question: 9. Who was Prabhavati Gupta?

Question: 10. What do you understand by endogamy?

Question: 11. During the reign of which Sultan did Ibn Battuta come to India?

Question: 12. Who was Collin Mackenzie?

Question: 13. When was the session held in Lahore?

Question: 14. The officer appointed by Emperor Ashoka to spread the Dhamma was called…………

Question: 15. In the old days they used to go to those who worshipped Vishnu in South India, called ………….

Question: 16. The Permanent Settlement system was implemented in 1793 AD by ……………

Question: 17. Mangal Pandey was hanged in …………

Question: 18. Banaras Hindu University was established in……..

Questions 19 through 21 Instructions: Below are two statements, one of which is labeled

Confirmation (A) and the other labeled as

Reason(R). Read both statements carefully and choose the correct answer from the options (A), (B), (C), and (D) below.

Question: 19. Statement (A): Manu Smriti is the most famous legal text of India. Reason (R): In this text the king has been advised to avoid border disputes.

(a) Both statement (A) and reason are correct and (R) is the correct explanation of (A).

(b) Statement (A) and reasons (R). Both are correct, but (R) does not correctly explain (A).

(c) Statement (A) is correct, but the reason is incorrect.

(d) Reason is correct, but statement (A) is incorrect

Question: 20. Statement (A): In 1797 A.D., an auction was held in Burdwan. Many palaces (estates) owned by the king of Burdwan were sold. Reason (R): The king of Burdwan was in huge debt of revenue, so his properties were about to be auctioned.

(a) Both statement (A) and reason are correct and (R) is the correct explanation of (A).

(b) Statement (A) and reasons. (R) Both are correct, but (R) does not explain (A) correctly.

(c) Statement (A) is correct, but the reason is incorrect.

(d) Reason is correct, but statement (A) is incorrect.

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