
Eiliger Pilz-Rückruf in four Bundesländern: Poisonings drohen

Eiliger Pilz-Rückruf in four Bundesländern: Poisonings drohen

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A Pilz product is affected by a problem. The Überschreitung der Pestizid-Höchstwaarden causes a health hazard for consumers.

Kassel – Pils is still a Gegenstand von Rückrufen. Only in June is there a way through the botulism disease. The Erkrankung is formed by gefährlichen Toxins ausgelöst, the beispielsweise in notig properly purchased Pilzen fork bowls can be used. Bei einem Pilzprodukt drohte Verbrauchern Nesselsucht. Nun trifft is schon wieder a pilz product. This trade is a matter of Ackerlinge, which is done at Verzehr zur Gesundheitsgefahren. That’s because of the Bund on the next page life known.

Pilz-Rückruf: Getrocknetes Product may contain toxins

The product was affected by the 100 gram packaging of the company “AsRopa Food GmbH”. The packaging is a pulled product on 05.09.2026 and the article number 71231. If the company can accommodate the repairer in an official assignment, it may be that the “high backrest made of plant and mushroom-shaped mold” is celebrated.

Zurückgerufene gets rocknete Ackerlinge.
Zurückgerufene gets rocknete Ackerlinge. © AsRopa Food GmbH

These four Bundesländer have been affected:

  • Berlin
  • Hamburg
  • Hesse
  • Saxony

On this page you will read: “Bringing the product is easy. The Verkaufspreis was made with Ihnen. Vielen Dank.“ An Erstattung is the kauftentreatment of the Kassenbon-möglich.

Pflanzenschutzmittel in getrockneten Pilzen – Normalerweise not gefährlich

Grundsätzlich kommen in der Landwirtschaft Pflanzen- und Schädlingsbekämpfungsmittel zum Einsatz. It is also normal at first, if the small backrest is on the floor, or a beer, then you cannot find it. While the European Association for Health and Safety (EFSA), the Federal Institute for Risk Management (BfR) and weitere after aufwändigen Verfahren fest, welche Konzentrationen eines Stoffs in Lebensmitteln for Verbraucher sicher sind. So it is high time that there is no more writing. A number of problems will arise in the fall.

Whoever is poisonous has become a pesticide Consumption center Hamburg is one of the best references that the internal market has achieved in a while or with a Mahlzeit improvement, but it can be a good general risk risk. And sweating about the sogenannten ADI-Wert; the boring tag is displayed with a known Risiko.

Overview of the Pestizid-Höchstwerte: Diese Gefahren drhen Verbrauchern

While you can buy a product from a producer, the fact is that its high quality is not obvious – it comes down to the pesticides. Who writes, acute and chronic upper diseases can arise, for example. Contact directly the pestizids that can break through the fall in the fall, using Krebs, Fruitbarkeits and Erbgutschäden. Die Consumer Center Hamburg ergänzt: “Some substances are thought to flood the nerves of the hormone system and the fortification capability of the body.”

This means that the weight of the products will be affected by pests. If you are having problems, you can use pest control. (jh)