
30,000 jobs at Volkswagen in Gefahr sein – that’s the next step

30,000 jobs at Volkswagen in Gefahr sein – that’s the next step

The old Volkswagen-Konzern will issue a press release about the mediocre budget, and another in the Entwicklung deutlicher de Rotstift will do so as well. If the debate continues in an overview of Sparkurs in Germany with a minimum of 30,000 employees, reports from the “Manager-Magazin” (“MM”) on Donnerstag under the publication of information.

Schon Diess wanted to cut 30,000 jobs at Volkswagen

That Zahl 30,000 is not new. Schon Ex-chef Herbert Diess nannte diese Zahl, een gleichen Atemzug 9000 Mitarbeiter ins Spiel zu alles, de man voor de Software-Schmiede Cariad benötigen würde. Derzeit schaut es aber so aus: Cariad does not bring the Ergebnisse, the man erwartet hatte. Volkswagen has other Allianzen ein.

A speaker said: “It is clear: Volkswagen wants to induce a German company to reduce costs.” Now the market can earn more money for its investments. “Whoever achieves this with the work transfer, is part of the attending conversation,” this says. The generated amount is not suitable for VW.

Warum Volkswagen responds muss

Renault chief Luca de Meo made an interesting discovery at the Wiener Elektrotags: As for the CO2 soul, there is a lot to be done for purchasing four-wheel drive vehicles and an electrical car. Encourage this Gleichung in de active Kaufzurückhaltung – de Auto-Werke is nur teilweise ausgelastet – nicht, steht der Hersteller voor der Wahl: Auch de Verbrenner-Production stärker zurückzufahren or ins Risk zu gehen and Strafzahlungen under Umstanden hinzunehmen. Costs must be reduced for both variants.

At Volkswagen, no other component comes into play: All the bisherige Volkswagen chiefs are separated until the reform in Wolfsburg. Betriebsrat en Niedersachsen, which is protected by 20 Prozent an der Volkswagen AG, prevents bisher aggressive reforms. As a warning and trading mass at Volkswagen, the guarantee on the warranty, which has existed since 1994, has been possible. Diesmal will spare man, woman sich das höchste Potenzial in Zeiten nicht ausgelasteter Werke erhofft – both de Mitarbeitern in den Werken.

Umsatzrendite dramatically sunken

VW hat in the core market of VW-pkw with high costs for camps, the war will be sunk at 2.3 percent. The China business is a brooch, that achievements can no longer be “zugedeckt” with the wins of Porsche and Audi. Man fürchtet, that the brand flips. Therefore hat is a real Rosskur hat. Brand manager Thomas Schäfer will take over the operative Rendite on his Soul level of 6.5 percent in the coming years. On 25. September the negotiations with the company IG Metall will start.

The pressure is so great that there is a problem with the Beschäftigten auf den Tisch kommen sollen. Laut “MM” soll die Zahl der Beschäftigten in Deutschland nach Vorstellung von Hardlinern von 130,000 Stellen mittelfristig um 30,000 zinc. It is possible to use Oliver Blume’s Konzernchef in the small Kreis langfristig as a position of power.
In the Forschung und Entwicklung the magazine can contain more than bitter bowls. Of the cattle 13,000 Beschäftigten in Deutschland müssten laut einigen Forecasts 4,000 to 6,000 ihren Hut nehmen. Altersteilzeit und Abfindungen würden dafür as maßnahmen nicht ausreichen.

Investments were made by Volkswagen

VW has taken over the investment plans of the new technology, batteries, accumulators and software in the years 2023 to 2024 – then the investment ratio can be done again. I have an annual salary of 13.5 percent of the costs of a car company for the Sachanlagen, through which Research and Development are carried out, around 36.1 billion euros.

Heuer hat Finanzchef Antlitz bisher 13.5 tot 14.5 Prozent vom Erlös dafür eingeplant. 2027 soll die Quote unter 11 Prozent countries, 2030 go auf rund 9 Prozent fallen, hat Blume vergangenes Jahr den Investoren versprochen. These years take longer before the economy is financed, while the financial leeway for Ausschüttungen and the Action is narrow.

A solution was found: the automotive industry of the Volkswagen crisis became one of the most relevant industrial sectors.