
Anniversary Market and Weltrekord-Obstsalat zum Geburtstag ‹ Fruchtportal

Anniversary Market and Weltrekord-Obstsalat zum Geburtstag ‹ Fruchtportal

September 20, 2024

Der Sprecher des Vorstandes und Vorstandsmitglied der Fruchthof Berlin Verwaltungsgenossenschaft eG, Nils Doerwald, thanks all the Beteiligten, die am “Weltrekord-Obstsalat” mitgewirkt to have.

Anniversary Market and Weltrekord-Obstsalat zum Geburtstag ‹ Fruchtportal
Photo © Fruchthof Berlin

“The Fruchthof Crew together says that the record title for the great Obstsalat der Welt nach Berlin has been achieved. The names of all the Kolleginnen and Kollegen of the Fruchthof in the Beusselstraße are grateful to the many Volunteers, who are a fruity record so that it is not easy to use. Gemeinsam haben wir das erreicht, was wir uns erträumt haben: A Weltrekord von Berlin für Berlin, “ erklärte Doerwald am Donnerstag in Berlin.

Am vergangenen Sonntag hatten beim Weltrekordversuch aus 75. Geburtstages des Fruchthofs in der Beusselstraße hunderte Freiwillige einen Obstsalat zubereitet, der es in sich hat: ca. 22.500 Kilogramm Melonen, Äpfel, Weintrauben, Ananas and Heidelbeeren energieen one farbenfrohe Fruchtmischung zum 11,790 Kilogramm pour Weltrekord-Salat. At 4:28 p.m. the war with Ziel was focused: Seyda Subasi-Gemici, an extra for the Versuch-eingeflogene Guinness World Records registration, bestätigte the Eintrag in the «Guinness book of the Rekorde». Damit wurde die bishige Bestmarke aus frankreich von 10.340 Kilogrammt um 1.490 Kilogramm deutlich überboten.

Photo © Fruchthof Berlin

“With the sisters and the friendship as well as the community, the mixed spaß and the typical Berlin improvisation art, all the sisters have brought and enjoyed a great experience with their lives, our city, the Berliners and Berliners and also those of both furious” Schnippler “Together with the champions they have succeeded,” erklärte Doerwald sees the opportunity for the best results in production.

Photo © Fruchthof Berlin

People, if we can never tell again, we ended up in the Armen and we fell back on that event and we often stood out, with those times we were.

The komplette is now at the Berliner Table, alongside my partner, the Florida-Eis Manufaktur GmbH and the Confiserie Reichert, who will try weiterbeiten, one of the fruits, eggs and smoothies served in the city. Because of this, Sabine Werth, the Gründerin and Vorstandsvorsitzende der Berliner Tafel, nicht nehmen, all Teilnehmerinnen and Teilnehmern for those fast 12 tons of multivitamin-spending herezlich.

At the Jubiläums-Markt, the parallel record on the country of the Fruchthof Genossenschaft stattfand, konnten die Besucherinnen and Besucher beim Wetter das erleben, was ihnenst after the handsome 100 Wochenmärkten in Berlin were botten: Vom geräucherten Aal im Brötchen bis zu de Zucchini We can also serve freshly prepared honey, Dutch Lakritze or freshly pressed Zuckerrohr lemonade. Schmecken, fühlen und riechen war das Gebot der Stunde.

Nikolaus Fink, Instructor of the “market planner”, the 12 Berlin week markets operate, cheers on the happy event and the many happy judges: “Large and week markets belong together unknowingly. The war is a great joy, the anniversary market is set up and organized by the organization. The supermarket chain is no longer a ‘provider’ for the Bedarf label, the electoral meeting points and the domination of one of the few social functions that exist.”

‘Those who regularly went to work in areas of work, the ‘know-how’ of trade and commerce and the broad trade bone knew, was a man who was otherwise so forgiving, that he treasures and I welcome you, when with his new knowledge and knowledge for the perhaps housing market winners can be.“

Also Nils Doerwald looks at the high expectations of the market. “On the basis of the Beziehungen large- and housing market war for a from Beginning a clear, that our Geburtstag gemeinsam with the Wochenmarkt of the Stadt feiern willen. Herzlichen Thanks a Nikolaus and his gesamtes Team, who have become this Vorhaben so big. “

Release date: 20.09.2024