
In the St. Laurentius-Straße, DRK-Retter zur Schleichfahrt were zwungen

In the St. Laurentius-Straße, DRK-Retter zur Schleichfahrt were zwungen

20.09.24 – Now let them smear themselves with a little honey and a maul. It was a large group, and we were white, but the absichten were a Schmierlapp-hegt. But was soll’s, a bisschen Süßholzraspelei tut der Seele gut. Anyway, if you are honest, it may be that a few people are grateful for the lips. Of course, who is in everything, is here von Schurken. Before we all received a miracle message. The miracle blooms in our neighborhood, in the Rhön and in the Vogelsberg, in the forests and a city trändern. A manchmale hat is in the summer of that year besucht, I am Frühstückstisch.

Bees are really who we are. It is a bad thing that this black Armada is one of the people of Borussia Dortmund fans. Before you can buy all possible working conditions of the other importers from the German Tugenden. For example: discipline, flesh, orderliness, redundancy… Hey, don’t laugh now, only when the total strife sounds. The modern German world is one of the first moments: what about the work-life balance? Bad, really bad, we have to find space. However, the bees only had eight weeks of time, to get used to it, got tired. It is possible not to use time for leisure dreams and self-empowerment.

When you buy something, it is wise to use the Saugrüssel

If the “germanic Tugenden” no longer has to do with her, the Wahrheit can also not be bisschen. Before it all happened before the entire adulthood had hatched, the woman could now no longer give her wife money (the man was never more). Freilich: ein Honigschlecken ist das Leben der Bienen-Ladys ninesfalls. If you buy something, it is wise to use the Saugrüssel. Every woman makes her. A honey-waben. Other functions of Bee-babies. Other types of pollen, nectar and water. Other putzen die Waben. Other things you have to do are those of the chef. The king is no longer as great as the Volks-Genossinnen, but also as one of the only Nachwuchs. You lay the egg in the waben – the rest is completet das Volk.

Was it idiosyncratic that Kerle, the domination, was inelegant and grumpy? So, the machine was nix – well, when wenn’s draufankommt and the king of the Begattung begged, then mustn stop running. This would be the work of the girls. The literary Nobel Prize winner Maurice Maeterlinck worked with the drones in his masterpiece “Das Leben der Bienen”, “with the honor to live and let other Daseinsgrund exist as the Vollziehung an Actes der Liebe”. A short congratulation. At the moment when the conception gives rise to one of the words of the “Mutter des Volkes”. The surrender was no longer used: They were no longer fed, their homes were referred – and if they were not yet understood, they got the deadly Stachel zu spüren.

Lying honey?

600 Bienenarten gifts in Germany, now a Honigbienen-Art. Ein Bienenvolk umfasst schon mal 60,000 Honigbienen (also quickly so fell, who Fulda Einwohner hat). A Biene besucht pro Tag bis zu 1,000 Bluten, deren Nektar and Pollen sie siegt. 60 kilos of Honig spreads 60 kilos of Honig for a year – the rest is for the beekeeper. Kleiner Witz zwischendurch: If you see a running beekeeper, you can be alarmed. Beekeepers and beekeepers know a man and a leader: Ganzkörperschutzanzüge, Astronauten-ähnliche Kopfbedeckung mit “Atmungsnetz”. Wer Bienen liebt, sie sie zu furchten. Die Deutschen verputzen pro Kopf ein Kilo Honig im Jahr. 2020 was worth 29 tons of energy, which is enough for a short stay. Do you want to find some peace and quiet? Hauptsächlich from Ukraine, from Mexico and Argentina. Aber auch aus Fälscherstuben. The EU will be involved in the checks in the winter of 2022, but 46 importers are trying to find a fake suspect stand. Zucker, Wasser, Synthetische Farbstoff – fruit ist der Lügen-Honig.

First bunt and highlight: Bienenkästen am Waldrand in der Rhön

And then there is that Wunderstoff Manuka from Neuseeland, an Allheilmittel, which is all sold in Fulda – in Reformhäusern and others Spezialläden. If that man can’t do everything: there are antibacterial, linden erkältungen and gastrointestinal problems, and when man is affected by the affected couples, his wounds, pickle, lint and neurodermatitis are affected. It is methylglyoxal (MGO). Nur, dass Bienen diesen Zauber-Stoff in hochdosierter Form (100mal stärker as in unserem Honig) ausschließlich from the Nektar der Südseemyrthe gewinnen können, in fernen Neuseeland. The Ernteertrag has begun, but the prize has not. Laut Verbraucherschützern since now they are ready to buy Manuka real in Germany – the rest is armored. With syrup or other honey available from labor chemicals. If you want this: A sum of money from Manuka can cost as little as 80 Euro. Check out the label!

Was Hilft suddenly given the Lügen-Honig? Honig in our lower region! You will find most of the Hofläden in Rhön and Vogelsberg, as well as in the Regional Regals of Supermarkets on the Wochenmärkten in Fulda, Hünfeld and Bad Hersfeld. Die Mitglieder des Imkervereins Fulda produces its own “Stadthonig”. If you want to get an impression, you can do this directly. A small Auswahl: Raps- und Blütenhonig-bietet die “Rhön-Imkerei Jordan”, Bad Neustadt. Blue and white honey from the Hessischen Kegelspiel hat der Beekermeister Ferdinand Keidel, Eiterfeld. “Hochrhön-Beekeeper” Jürgen Enders in Bischofsheim has a Bienenstöcke in the Nähe vom Heidelstein. Außerdem: Jan Brockelt in Frischborn. Dieter Schölzke in Münnerstadt (the man after the term is also possible). Der “Honig-Fritz” from Hünfeld…

We are more aware of the nature of this matter, we are aware of our allergies and allergies and our understanding of our gut. Well, there is such a thing as it is, if only diabetes has happened. Jeder Löffel Honig has developed nature: Ohne Bienen is Schluss with the blue landscapes. The Chinese mountain region of Hanyuan did their best in the 1980s and 1990s: Beim exzessiven Pestizid-Einsatz gegen Obstbaum-Schädlinge wurden auch bienen-Völker vernichtet. The extinguisher of the obstbäume is no longer the best, man has to clatter on the bäume and make it himself. Woolen will do this more often?

Rainer M. Gefeller Chart: OSTHESSEN|NEWS

In these days you can enjoy the beautiful balcony and garden flowers in those years. Do you want to sing a children’s song, “Summ, summ, summ” or a classic classic? And yet it is worth beating the most successful and elegant Boxers of the Neuzeit, Muhammed Ali: “Swallow like a butterfly. Stitch like a bee!” This Leitsatz can happen to a man. I am a job. I am a Regional Express. At the Kneipen Theke. A natural result in Beziehungs-Geschats. Much success! (Rainer M. Gefeller) +++