
Formel-1-Liveticker: Max Verstappen dries Ärger

Formel-1-Liveticker: Max Verstappen dries Ärger

13:28 hours

Verstappen punished

This Urteil is the owner of a – and Verstappen-comes not with a warning davon. There is talk of a sham, where the Arbeit zu leisten. Verstappen has used the international sport code and his previous function.

Here is the part in the Word:

“It is the policy of the FIA ​​to ensure that the language used in its public forums, such as press conferences, meets generally accepted standards for all audiences and broadcasts. This applies in particular to statements made by participants in the World Championships and thus role models within and outside the sport.”

“This is clearly stated in the FIA ​​rules and has been emphasised by previous cases
submitted to the Stewards in Formula 1, specifically in Las Vegas in 2023.”

“The stewards have reviewed the transcript of Thursday’s FIA press conference in Singapore and Max Verstappen, driver of car 1, used language to describe his car during the event in Azerbaijan that is generally considered ‘rude, rude’ or may be ‘offensive’ and not considered suitable for broadcast.”

“This is ‘misconduct’ as defined in Article 20 of the International Sporting Code and is a violation of Article 12.2.1.k.”

“The Stewards noted that the language was not directed at any individual or group. When called to the Stewards, the driver explained that the word used was common in the speech he had learned, as English is not his native language.”

“While the Stewards accept that this may be true, it is important that role models learn to be vigilant when speaking in public forums, particularly when they are not under any pressure. Verstappen apologised for his behaviour.”

“The Stewards note that significant fines have been imposed for language that is offensive or targeted at specific groups. This is not the case here. However, given that this issue has been raised before and is well known to competitors, the Stewards have decided to impose a more severe penalty than previously and that Verstappen is ‘obliged to carry out work in the public interest’ (Art. 12.4.1.d of the International Sporting Code), in conjunction with the FIA ​​Secretary General for Sport.”