
Erfolgscoach übernimmt im ÖFB-Nachwuchs a new job

Erfolgscoach übernimmt im ÖFB-Nachwuchs a new job

After the WM Premiere of the U20 Women, Markus Hackl will continue with the ÖFB Nights.

Jedoch wechselt der 46-Jährige in the U19, wed er von nun an de Cheftrainer posten übernimmt. After four years, this is the task of ÖFB team leader Irene Fuhrmann, who served as Assistant Trainer under Hackl. Seine Nachfolge tritt Clemens Zulehner an. The part of the ÖFB in the Freitagnachmittag in an Aussendung with.

Hackl hated the U20 Auswahl-kurzfristig übernommen and his sensational performance in WM-Achtelfinal. Dort war aber der spätere Finalist North Korea is grim. From 2013 there is an ÖFB-tätig. Trainings were given to the U17-Frauen from 2016 to 2021. Nun übernimmt is with such a greater effort for the U19.

Hackl will get talents from the jump and the Spitze ermöglichen

“I am very happy with my new experience and my gift during the lifetime of the ÖFB. My thanks are due to Irene Fuhrmann, and I have been an Assistant Trainer in the past four years of unrelenting and lasting success – who is the European Master in England – sammeln dared,” said Hackl.

Weiter: “As the new U19 team manager, he is free to take on a new position in one of the Austausch with the Women’s National Team and hospitality, young talents can make the leap to the top of Austrian Women’s Football if possible.”

“Markus is the perfect partner for our U19 team players”

ÖFB Team Chief Fuhrmann has started the Zeit with Hackl zurück.

“Markus has had a positive influence on the participation of the national teams of the women with his expertise during that time. With a good representation of the chance, he will be the perfect partner for our U19 team players with Markus,” said the 43-year-old.

Seitens von Sportdirektor Peter Schöttel says that he now has no lobende Worte: “There is no experience for the Frauen-National team with a high Ebene with his knowledge of the Structures, Anforderungen and Herausforderungen in Frauen-Nachwuchs. There is an ideal schnittstelle der Spitze des professional Frauen-Fußballs and the Nachwuchsnationale team of U19 Frauen.”