
Citizen’s Allowance: Workless cashiers 3,000 monatlich – Jobcenter weiß nix

Citizen’s Allowance: Workless cashiers 3,000 monatlich – Jobcenter weiß nix

If you do not want to see Job anymore, please contact the Jobcenter, which you can do now. The history of the “Armes Deutschland” protagonists Lea and Renee is a failure. Gerade an 18-year-old 21 years, the Hartz4-Empfänger (episode was threatened for the introduction of the citizen’s money) and the age of 18, which still sees Unterhalt, actually no proper equipment.

If you know that a couple has extreme difficulty working with the Jobcenter. Given the task, if Lea takes a “fake-Wohnung”, just to cash more money, the couple has sought a second “entry source” next to the payments from the office. And it doesn’t stink to high heaven anymore.

Citizen’s Allowance: Labor benefits from the Job Center

If you have a few, but it is possible to spend money on the Internet. A lucrative business, which in the Spitze earned 3,000 Euro in a single month. Ohne, the Jobcenter is of course white.

The idea you can think of is: Lea teilt auf ihrer Instagram-Seite Bilder ihrer Füße. “And then stop those geese Anfragen,” Lea Stolz reported. Over 6,000 followers love Zeitpunkt der Dreharbeiten. “I don’t know how to make a difference, I have a strong image now and then the Follower and the Leute buy wool,” reports the 18-year-old newspaper.

++ Civil allowance: 18-year tont – “Mag nicht, wie man mit Arbeit den Körper kaputtkracht” ++

A very lucrative business, with Renee last year. “Was the cost a five-pack? 3.99 maybe? We also buy five pairs for 3.99 each. Plus the vacuum bag. Eight, new euros for 100 pieces. Briefcase costs 1.55. Even if it is high, you may get a few breaks of 2.50 euros, and then buy after the tragedy of 25 and 50 years, sage and mal. ” No bad margin.

Make sure you get the socks

You can purchase both via Paypal or Amazon Gutschein. It is necessary that Renee reports the email from the Jobcenter. Fear, which arises from Betrug, has no problem. “Of the Leuten, who erase the cloth, that is the maché, that no one will be able to weld,” is what Lea is saying. It’s such a war, the bet on TV is betrayed, but you can also use another Blatt.

RTL Zwei says the following “Armes Deutschland: Aufstocker, Zweitjobber und Abzocker” am Dienstag (August 20, 2024) at 10:15 PM. Be that as it may: no entrepreneur of citizen money or other social affairs tells himself like Renee. Most want to find a new job as soon as possible.