
Urlaubsland factory new “Orient” Express with “spectacular stretches of the world”

Urlaubsland factory new “Orient” Express with “spectacular stretches of the world”

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Urlaubsland factory new “Orient” Express with “spectacular stretches of the world”
A new luxury journey takes you through the most beautiful landscapes of Northern Europe. © Depositphotos/Imago

A new luxury that has had a positive impact on nature by 2025. Tourists were promised spectacular railway routes.

Dortmund – The Orient Express is one of the best tests in the world. After 100 years, the journey with luxury has never been so credible. Is it not possible to use a new Luxus Line version? Bald is a Fahrt with the Norient Express Touristinnen and Touristen verzaubern. That happens in the North of Europe.

Urlaubsland factory new “Orient” Express with “spectacular stretches of the world”

Norway offers mountains, lakes, beaches and fjords – all tourists and tourists are naked, when they travel with the Norient-Express through the Norwegian landscape. The country can experience a new luxury in the coming years on the Schienen-schicken. In October it will be going wild, who is the Norwegian travel portal „Visit Norway“.

What are the Norway fans waiting for from the new Norient Express? Let “Visit Norway” be known as electric trains on the way down the track. If you feel comfortable, you can do this. The Ausstattung has used an observatory that offers a fitness room (more travel tips at RUHR24).

Norwegian factory Luxuszug: Norient-Express fährt von Oslo nach Trondheim

The first trip with the Norient-Express in the Herbst 2025 went to Bergen and the southwest coast of Norway via the Hauptstadt Oslo in the historic city of Trondheim. Whoever continues with “Visit Norway” will find a part of the Zugstrecke on the Abschnitte umfassen.

You can use the Dovrebahn and the Bergenbahn – they can act as two spectacular railway lines of the world. Norient-Express-Travelling travels through the Hochebene Dovrefjell and vorbei am Mjøsa, dem größten See Norwegens. Along the way, the Zug stops in Ort Hamar am Ufer des Sees. Discover the highest Holzgebäude in the world, the Wood Hotel.

Mjøsa in Norway
The Mjøsasee in Norway is located on the Route des Norient-Express. © Cornelius Poppe/Imago

Tickets for the Norient Express: Preis für Zugreise durch Norwegen noch unbekannt

This is the route from the Bergenbahn to the Norient Express. Ab dem Bahnhof in Oslo leads the route through the wonderful landscape of Norway. On the route you will find another through the Myrdal area. Dort has tourists and tourists with the Möglichkeit, in the great Flåmbahn umzusteeigen, which runs through the Fjordlandschaften.

If the tickets for the Norient-Express are purchased, this is not possible. This is the price for the second trip with the luxury trip by the Norwegian power „Visit Noorwegen“ and no Angaben. Holland-Urlaubern turned in 2025 a preiserhöhung – it is a different story.