
Natter: Munich Oktoberfest 2024 Kicks Off With Sonne – Who’s Even Better | News

Tomorrow it will be clean. Aber zum Start des Oktoberfests gibt der Summer in Deutschland noch mal alles. Bis zu 25 Grad en Sonnenschein. Aber: Der Herbst-streckt schon seine nassen Hände zu us aus.

After the Days of Anspannung and fell, Flüssen im Süden and Osten entspannt sich the Hochwasserlage. Jetzt nor a single Spätsommersonne tanken.

Climatologist Dr. Karsten Brandt von zu BILD: “Das Wetter bleibt bis Sonntagabend auf jeden Fall spätsummerlich. Die Wiesn starts in Munich with 22 Grad und Sonne. All others are happy auf 24 to 25 Grad to Sonntag.”

It will cool down next week

Auch Diplom-Meteorologist Dominik Jung from is a BILD researcher: “This Samstag is for everyone on all Fall Spätsommer. Am Sonntag could come to the West with a few Schauer bowls.”

Wetterkarte für den Samstagnachmittag: Spätsummerliches Wetter in entire Deutschland

Wetterkarte für de Samstagnachmittag: spätsummerliches Wetter in entire Deutschland


Auch Sonntag Sonne at Oktoberfest

The Wetter on the Wine: This is the first beer prize, the most relaxed theme, the Münchner for the same Octoberfest commit. This year is a good idea. Sonne en bis knapp über 20 Grad verspricht der Deutsche Wetterdienst (DWD) for the Wiesn-Start am Samstag, the Australian state service is for Sonntag, when it Trachten fans to see Wiesn.

“We will be happy with September,” says DWD Meteorologist Reik Schaab. “Das Wiesn-Wetter is good for itself.”

Erstes Wiesn-Wochenende in Munich Nutzen

The thing is, you can’t start any further than anyone else. “Am Montag gives a few signals for rain and temperatures below 20 degrees. We can, sollte the first Wiesn-Wochenende nutzen. Danach geht es eher ins Wechselhafte,” said Schaab.

Water expert Brandt from BILD: “After a wonderfully friendly and warm September week, the autumn holidays are our last week.”

On Monday one of the first rains is aimed, from the West with a biting wind. With wind and low temperatures, if the weather is relatively mild, you can do a few things on September Wednesdays.

Oktoberfest is a celebrationWiesn-Kellner said in Bier-Trick

Oktoberfest: Wiesn-Kellnerin verrät ihren Stapel-Trick

Source: BILD, TikTok/@verenaangermeier

Crowds are hot at Oktoberfest

Beautiful years ago meteorologist Brandt has tried and calculated that perhaps festive people do not only get the mood. A person has a power of 80 watts – so it was noticeable that “a large amount of other mulled wine” is the argument that it is difficult. The power after Brandts has done everything, when the son is gone, there is a few degrees.

By Saturday it will be 8pm at Oktoberfest, but not until 20 degrees – it will be a rundherum at a 15 degree end.

On the couch and hands in the air: Party alarm at Oktoberfest

Rauf auf de couch en de krüge hoch: Party-Alarm at Oktoberfest

Photo: picture alliance / SvenSimon

When the air air is at the party, it is higher – we will give the warm air space more water, but also through the many kitchens, hendl-bratereien, lichter and fahrgeschäfte. If you touch the human, you can become a lot whiter – more feuchtigkeit.

Brandt hatte 2004, 2005 as well as 2016 and 2017 with more information about the festival temperature and air quality and with different weather stations in the city area Munich to compare.

So wird das Wetter in the Ihrer region

In Rhineland-Palatinate and in the Saarland people are ahead of a warm and cold Spätsommer-Wochenende. The high temperatures are between 21 and 24 degrees.

Ebenso can be called the human in Hesse I spent a lot of time enjoying warm weather and sunny weather. These high temperatures are approximately 22 to 25 degrees.

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The Spätsommer said it was so in Saxony with the sun on the golden side. The temperature cannot be reached at 24 degrees.

With the sunshine, relaxed and happy, you will enjoy your summer vacation in Berlin and BrandenburgOn Saturday and Sunday the temperature will be 24 degrees.

Also in Baden-Württemberg Wird Freundliches Spätsommerwetter erwartet. The temperature is at 23 degrees.

The People in North Rhine-Westphalia you can warm up and soften the Spätsommer-Wochenende freuen. With high temperatures between 22 and 25 degrees.

Climatologist Brandt in BILD: “Deutsch runter with the temperatures are currently visible during the winter holidays: In the highlands there were no temperatures above 10 degrees, with wind and rain.”